First Impressions

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I walked towards my new school gates as I don't really know anything about this place. I looked around to see teenagers like me entering the school while talking with their friends. Hopefully I won't get bullied in this school as I was last time.

I think I saw the headmaster standing by the gates while smiling kindly at the parents that were dropping their kids off. I approached him as he looked at me and smiled. "Are you y/n?" He asked me, I smiled gently and nodded "yes I am," "Welcome to this school, I won't be able to show you around here because I have to attend a meeting later. So, all you have to do is go straight and turn to the left and you'll see the school's office, you can ask the secretary for your schedule and you'll also see your guide partner." He directed to you, "Ah, okay." You said as you looked back at your mother to see her smiling at you while waving you a goodbye.

As you entered the school halls, you did as you were told. Walk straight and turn left. As you did so the office sign came to your view. You kept walking until you reached your destination. As you entered the secretary greeted you with a smile and bow while saying "Welcome, you should be y/n. This is your partner as she has the same schedule as you. Her name is Cheng Xiao." Wow. The people here are so kind.

Just then, a girl entered with a gentle smile. "Hey there, I'm Cheng Xiao. You can call me Xiao, or Cheng. Well, anything is fine actually. I'll be honest, I the rumors that had been spreading through our school is actually true. You are really pretty. But, what's your name?" She asked after greeting herself to you. "Uhm ,, my name is f/n l/n ( first name, last name A/N : It must be something Korean )). You can call me anything, but nothing bad though because I was bullied back then in my previous school. And thanks, your pretty yourself too." You complimented her. A red tint appeared on her cheeks as she looked down and smiled to herself. "Are you okay?" I asked, worried thinking I said something wrong. "Oh, um, no, I'm okay. It was just ,, not much people from this school had really called me pretty. But, thank you." She said.

A few minutes had passed, and you and Cheng Xiao had been friends. You guys were talking as if you've been friends years ago. "Okay, our- well your first class is English." She spoke up and you nodded.

She led you to the class and you guys knocked on the door which caught everyone's attention including the teachers. She looked at you and Cheng Xiao and asked you "Why are you late?" With a straight face "Um, I had to show y/n around as she's a new student." She said while the teacher nodded for about two times and said you could come in,

When you looked around the class, you saw Cheng Xiao giving you a thumbs up while others kept whispering to another's ear while glancing at you. "y/n, please introduce yourself to the class." No. You hated doing greetings in of everyone. "Uh, Hi. I'm y/n, you can call me n/n ( nickname ). I come from p/s ( previous school ). And I speak about four languages fluently which are Chinese, Japanese, Korean, and English. I am a new trainee under SM entertainment industry. Please take care of me." You managed to choke out. Everyone's jaw hit the ground when you mentioned you could speak four languages fluently.

You looked around the class to find a boy with blond hair catch your attention — he looked somewhat familiar to you. He was pretty cute to be honest. He was surrounded by a few boys. One had black hair, one had brown, one had chestnut brown, one had purple-ish white, one had orange hair, and one had dirty blond hair.

"Hey Tae, don't you think she's really pretty. Like wow." The guy with the black hair said to the dude that had the white hair. Then he faced the blond dude. "Hey Winwin. I think we found your girlfriend." He teased the boy with the blond hair as the other one smiled and looked away.

They all were very good looking as they all caught your attention. But, the blond haired boy caught yours most. What does the future hold?

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 29, 2017 ⏰

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