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Theme song: I hate everything all about you

Name: Blood

Alpha/beta/Omega: Alpha/beta

Representation: anger

Gender: female

Hybrid: Fox

Side: bad

If dies turns into: Scarlett sages

Like: her kingdom, her power, and her weapons.

Dislikes: her family (especially Silver), her kind, her sisters, the good side of the realm, anyone who opposes her, and kindness.

Other facts: Got all her scars from dealing with the inhabitants in her kingdom, was to forced to carve out her own eye and hand by E.x.E., Torture, and depression, is to emotionally unstable for her role but doesn't show it, constantly bugs and pranks Silver, very violent, is one of the only people of her kind that can take on the mirrors, her necklace provides her power, and takes orders from no one.

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