chapter one •

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Another day same routine I felt my self become restless as each patient arrived I couldn't keep my eyes open it was early in the morning but I had to focus I sighed looking down the page listing every patient.

"Sam saw him last and Joan yi" I lifted my brow curious at the new name.

Peering out of my office I saw a young girl sitting down biting her lip as she began filling out forms she didn't look much older than 16

"Joan" I said softly and she looked up a sort of Discomfort at the sound of her name.

"Can you call me Michelle" she said Walking in to my office

I nodded immediately crossing  out her name and substituting it with Michelle must I say it  well suited her better no wonder she wanted a change.

"So Michelle tell me about you and why you're here"

Michelle crossed her legs and bit at her nail as her eyes wondered around the room I could sense she felt so nervous.

"Um addiction"

she hardly said it so I could hear I nodded writing it down "depression and anxiety I've already been diagnosed by my past therapist" she said softly and I nodded writing each word that came out of her mouth.

"Please tell me about the addiction" Michelle just sighed "I smoke" she said

the tension  began growing
"How many times a day" The sweet girl looked nervous "I have a pack maybe a day"

why would a girl so beautiful be burdened with something as this

"well Michelle I'm here for you , have you harmed or tried to attempt suicide"

Finally I saw her body shift and she looked down tears began to fall down her cheeks and I grabbed a tissue bending down to catch them she seemed alarmed at the sudden gesture but I couldn't help it for once it broke me to see someone cry.


she finally admitted and I looked at her cheeks now rosy red and her eyes matching them I grabbed her hand and frowned

"I will help you with the support you will have a better time coping"

she nodded and smiled weakly as I stepped away she just nodded and wiped the tears away from her eyes and took a deep breath,

"now your doctor referred me to you on the count of your last therapist"

Michelle shrugged
"I didn't like her she was not really helpful" I nodded "well Michelle I'm here to help you and you're welcome to call me Gillian"

I put out my hand and she shook it "thank you" I looked to the time and felt anger it was time for her to leave and I wanted more time to see her

I sighed and stood up as she signaled time was up she did the same

"well I want to see you again is Monday at 2:30 okay"

she nodded and smiled walking out her scent filled my nose and soon I began to feel intoxicated

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