Chapter 11

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Michelle was going to arrive with Gillian in a hour I ordered salads for us and some cokes. "Lana" I heard the door open and I smiled greeting the two "hi you must be Gillian"

she looked rather nervous and I smiled letting them in, Michelle followed me in the kitchen to help me put the salad in bowls and the coke in cups "how did she take it"

I asked and Michelle but her lip "she said she wanted to come here don't worry" she patted my back and i nodded setting the table.

"Gillian do you want coke or water" the woman looked up man she was very beautiful her blonde hair flowing down her shoulders.

"water please" I nodded grabbing a bottle or two from the fridge. "Alright things are set" Michelle sat down and so did Gillian I sat near Both.

"So" before I could speak Gillian spoke "so you slept with my girlfriend" I gulped and felt my hands get sweaty "huh" she asked again and I nodded slowly Michelle looked like she was going to vomit.

"You know since we are here why don't we play a game who's better" she smirked and I was out of it "I don't think that's called for"

Gillian slammed her first on the table "you slept with my girlfriend it's very Called for" Michelle pushed in her chair "you said you would make this work She is why can't you"

She hissed at Gillian and she just shrugged "because maybe I can't do this Michelle I don't know her this woman"

Gillian stood up and stormed out Michelle was going to follow her but I held her hand "let me go talk to her why don't you clean up watch tv Okay"

Michelle wasn't gonna protest me and I smiled and kissed her cheek before grabbing my coat and shoes.

Very short chapter but only because next one will be longer

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