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"Again, congratulations! And welcome to the MTV family!"

Chicago, IL 2012

"I. . . I know there's no excuse for what I did. But that's the funny thing- do I really need an excuse? Would an explanation make me a better person? I still killed that man; it doesn't matter why because it's done!"

I shook my head as I stroked my cat. "Angus, can you believe this guy?" I asked my cat. He only acknowledged me with a soft purr. I shrugged and went back to watching my murder documentary.


I jumped at the loud yell, and so did Angus. I gently pushed him off of my stomach and went to stand in my doorframe, "WHAT?" I yelled back to my mom.


I sighed lightly and turned back to Angus, "I'll be right back. Don't watch it without me." I whispered to him while laughing at myself. I flew down the stairs and to the kitchen where I assumed my mom was. She was unbagging groceries when I walked in.

"Get that mail right there, then you can help me put away all these groceries."

I rolled my eyes, "how come Rayna and Jared never have to help with this?" I asked as I hastily tore open one of my letters.

"Because you're the one in the room right now. Don't get smart with me, Liz."

I huffed out a breath, "just let me put these in my room first." Before my mom had the chance to respond, I leaped back up the stairs to my room. I shut the door behind me and pulled out one of my letters from its envelope.

Dear Ms. Danvers,

We are pleased to inform you that out of thousands of applicants, you were chosen as one of four to be a part of MTV's new reality show: Fandom!

Now that you've applied and been chosen, there are further steps you must take in preparation of coming. You'll need to fill out the paperwork sent to the e-mail address you provided, make flight arrangements, etc.

This is simply a congratulatory letter , so all other information you will need will be attached to the welcome e-mail we sent you.

Again, congratulations! And welcome to the MTV family!


Dale Perry

My eyes widened with shock as I re-read the letter twice more.

This can't be.

Me? On TV? With actual celebrities?


This isn't happening.

Not to me.

. . . But it is.

I dropped the paper on the floor and ran to my bed. I quickly scooped up a sleeping Angus, to his surprise. He meowed loudly as I held him in a way that forced him to look at me, "do you know what this means, buddy? I'm going to California! I'm gonna be on TV! Aren't you happy for me?"

He meowed even louder and squirmed out of my arms only to jump back into him spot on the bed and curl up again.

"Asshole. . ." I whispered.

I picked up my letter from the floor again and read it over once more to confirm my crazy thoughts. I couldn't believe this was happening to me; this was incredible!

I noticed another sealed envelope still lying on the ground and decided to open that one too, in case it was also from MTV.

To my dismay, I opened this letter to find a receipt for an overdue library book I've had for about three months.

"Well, I guess my life still isn't perfect. But at least I'm gonna be a star!"

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 29, 2017 ⏰

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