Part 8

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Your phone ringed.


"Y/N where are you?"


"Where are you?"

"At the hotel."

"I'm coming to pick you up."

"Why?" Without any answer, the phone died.

You looked at the screen of your phone. What's going on? You thought to yourself. Can the day be worse?

A few minutes laters there's a knock on your door. You opened and Gemma stormed into the room.

"Where are your friends?" She asks.

"They left."

"Good. Come on." She said placing her hand on your wrist and almost dragging you out of the door.

"Gemma what's going on?" You said to her jacking your arm back.

"Does the name Travis say something to you." You heart stopped at the sound of his name . Travis, how did she know about Travis. Was he here? "Y/N?" she says making your come back to reality. "Are you okay?"

You nod your head.

She takes your wrist again and dragged you out of the hotel room. "Come on. You can explain later."

"Gemma. I don't think that's a good idea."

"Trust me."

"How can I trust you? I know you for a few days!"

"Well do you have another option? They're doing business at the TM now so I can take you to a safe place. Or you can run but without a car you're not getting far." She says pointing out all of the facts. . "I'm not going to ride you to them." She looked at you. You couldn't say anything to her. "Come on Y/n"

You walked with her out of the hotel room.


In the car you called Mike. You explained the situation to him and made sure he and Anna would run. He promised to not come back and you promised that you would check in a few times a day. If he didn't hear from you for more than a day he would be making his way here.

Gemma parked in front of a house. Both of you got out of the car and you made your way towards the front door of the house. She opened the door and walked in, you followed her behind. Your head was going threw a few escape plans out of the house. Just in case. Gemma was nice to you and tried to help you from the beginning but you never know. Money talks louder than mind and knowing Travis, he can get everyone on his side with a smile and a pack of money. Everyone did what he told them.

"Come on in." she says with a smile on her face. You looked around the house. It was a nice small house and the interior looked cosy. I looked like a home.

You follow her towards the kitchen. "Do you want something to drink?" She asks standing in front of the fridge.

"No thank you." You said to her.

"Okay then." She walks from the fridge towards a table in the middle of the kitchen. She sits down at one of the chairs and signs for you to sit in front of her. You walked towards the table and you sat in front of her.

"Are you going to tell me why they're looking for you?" She says looking at you.

"Gemma, I ..."

"Are they here to hurt you?" She said reaching from your hand.

"I would be happy if there were only here to hurt me." She looks at you worried. "They wanted to kill me."

The doorbell ringed. Gemma looked at you. She standed up from the table and a door next to the kitchen. "Hide her." She says towards you. You walked towards her and got into the room. She closed the door.


Gemma made her way towards the front door. She took a deep breath and opened the door.

Tig was standing on the other side. He walked into the house and Gemma closed the door behind him.

"Did you found her?" He asks her.

"I did but she's in dangerous Tig."

Gemma walked into the kitchen with Tig behind her.

"What do you mean?" He asks her. "Why are they here?"

Gemma looks towards him and walked towards a door. She opens the door and Tig sees you.

He looks at you worried.

"We have to her her out of here," Gemma says.

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