Introduction and Rules

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Why are you here? Have you gone insane? A disorder affecting not only you but your loved ones? Were they the ones who sent you here? Or did you do it yourself? Maybe you're mentally fine and came here to work? As a guard or a doctor.
You probably were mentally fine. Until this placed pushed you to the brink of death.
And now it won't let you leave.
Whatever you came here for, we promise you, it won't be fun.

The Willow Asylum is old, haunted. Many victims that die here, don't do it by choice. Something hiding in the cracks of the floors does it. Whether you are insane or not, it comes after the most unsuspecting people. Is that what happened to you? Did the asylum kill you?

Colab roleplay with lonely_jellyfish


1. Roleplay in third person
Simple as that

2. No smut
Kissing and hugging is fine but anything else and take it to pm

3. No Mary or Gary Sues or OP characters
No one is perfect and no one is almighty

4. Hate the character, not the roleplayer

5. Bleep out and keep swearing to a minimum

6. Character limit of 6
Just so everyone can keep track

7. Don't kill off others OCs
Like seriously, we don't want to wake up one morning and find out our OC died

8. Reply in chains
Makes it less confusing and messy. Password is Green Day.

9. Have Fun!

The Willow Asylum [RP]Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt