Part 15

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(Johra's dress)

Johra laid down, relaxed in her bed with a book in her hand. she wanted to finish the story today and was just at the most interesting part of the story, when there was a knock at her door. She didn't want to get up but it must be urgent or else no one would bother at this time. when she chanced a look at the clock it showed 11:07.

She opened the door to find a gloomy faced Jazia. Worry came before reasoning to Johra. She quickly opened the door further and pulled her sister inside and made her sit on the bed.

"What's wrong Jaz?"

"I need to ask you for something Jo."

"what is it? Did something happen? Are you not feeling well? Should I take you to the doctor? Is it the baby?"

Jazia looked at her sister in confusion. "No, Jo nothing is wrong. I am ok. I don't need you to take me to the doctor and the babies are fine."

"Oh Alhamdulilah!, can't thank God enough. the babies are fine-...wait babies? as in plural? as in two?"Johra asked elated.

"Why didn't you know?"Jazia tried to copy the same dialogue she read from her daughters favorite book 'The Gruffalo'.

"Oh! you quoting 'The Gruffalo' are you? Now tell me how many babies are you hiding in you?"


Johra jumped from Joy, did a little happy dance and pulled both of her sisters cheeks vigorously. When she turned and saw her brother there, she pulled him too. "Did you hear J? We are having not one but two babies!!!!"

Jawad loved to see her like this. He smiled at her tenderly, which stopped at her next words.

"But how can you have twins? as far as I know no one in our immediate family or your in laws has twins.Don't they say that you only have them if it runs in your family?" Johra wondered aloud.

Jazia had stiffened at her sisters question and risked a glance at her brother.They shared a look, that was oblivious to Johra, as she continued to say "Well who cares, the only thing that matters is we are having two babies."She shrieked.

Jazia recovered quickly from her thoughts and said "And now when I am asking Jawad to bring me some mint ice cream, honey puff cereal, tangy tomato crisps and baby food, he doesn't want to go. I am craving here and he refuses to help. Jazia sniffed.

Johra looked at her sister in bewilderment."You are craving all that? now? In one go?" She asked.

Jazia nodded her head and said "Yes! Now and all in one go. You should try it as well, it is Yum."

"Seems more like Yuck" Johra muttered. When Jawad snickered she realised that he heard her. With a warning glance at him she moved to Jazia and tried to reason.

"But you hate all the things you mentioned, and baby food? who has baby food when they are having a baby?"

"I do! and if you can't get it, then fine! If Tahir would be here he would bring it instantly."Jazia cried, missing her husband.

"Oh no! please no tears. I can't bear this. Come J we ll get her what she wants, the 24/7 store isin't far."

"I am sorry, I didn't mean to cry. It's just these hormones make me weep at anything and everything."

"Yeah, yeah, we understand. Emotional blackmailer" Jawad accused. Which earned him a pillow in his face.

Johra quickly got out and asked Jawad to stay in the car, and Jawad agreed instantly.

Johra picked all the things Jazia had asked for. She picked some essentials for herself and tried to remember if there was anything that she needed, while making her way to the payment till, when she bumped into someone.

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