Healer 2 - Chapter 5

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A day and a half had passed since Nora's body was near blown to smithereens, fortunately thanks to her gift, she was mostly back to normal. From behind the draped curtains Lien ran out in a hopeless attempt to scare Nora, the small boy smiled at her with a mouth full of missing baby teeth which inevitably made her chuckle. Nora had been staying with Lien and Myra for the last day, Hector had wanted to make sure that she was okay and knew she needed someone to care for her. "Hector said my Grandson and I may be able to help you with your powers dear"  Myra's gentle raspy voice lingered in the air as she gestured to Lien to behave. Nora stared at the old woman "How?" She asked curiously. The old woman's wrinkled jaw broke into a smile as she pulled up a seat next to Nora, Lien on the floor watching his Grandmother curiously.

"Us Flamebrewers are one of the few with progressive powers, we have stages in which we can enter" Myra held out her hand as they glowed a soft red colour, heat emitting from them as the air around them seemed to wiggle and distort. "This is the first stage, we can make any part of our body heat up like this" Myra took a deep breath and closed her eyes as her hands seemed to burst into flames, but the flames did not move the way Nora expected. They seemed to almost form gloves around her hands. "This is Flame touch, the second stage. Its a powerful technique that takes a long time to master, its best in hand to hand combat" Myra pointed her hand at a falling leaf that could be seen from the open doorway, the fire glove changing colour to sky blue. The leaf bursting into blue flame and disintegration into the nothingness of the air. "That's the third stage, Flamebrewer. The power to create and control blue flames to intense precision. Its even possible to control what the flame burns and how fast it burns" Myra lowered her hand as the flames around it dissipated. Nora was left stunned, she had no idea that this old woman held such over whelming power. "That's amazing, and your whole family can do that?!" Nora's amazement couldn't be contained as she leaned forward. "Not all of us, its a skill that takes time to learn, we are unique in the fact that our Gift has 3 forms, there are a few others with gifts with different stages though" Myra smiled as she ruffled Liens hair who was watching intently. The reason I showed you is because Hector believes your Gift may be the same" 

Nora thought back to the blast and the light beneath her skin, the vivid memory made her shudder as the pain was brought back to her. She shook her head trying to get it to leave "When i got blasted by the Alba-Bestia i saw something... Most of my skin was burnt away, and beneath it was light" Nora searched the old woman's face for answers, but she was giving nothing away. "Interesting, with my powers, i have to feel them and grow them to cross the stages. Its a manual process" Myra stared at Nora and gestured her to try it.

Closing her eyes she searched inside herself, past the darkness she imagined the light beneath herself, she imagined it as warm and gentle, soft against her skin. She crept further into the darkness of her mind, edging closer to the forming light of her imagination. The image felt to vague yet so she focused harder on the feeling of healing and then she felt close to something. It was like trying to grasp a thin thread blowing in the wind, focusing she gathered herself. The stream of soft, gentle light became clearer in her mind. Beyond the darkness and beyond the boundaries of her thoughts and expectations existed something else. Something more and... THUD! Nora lost the feeling and opened her eyes. Hector stood in the door way, the light filtering around him creating a blackened silhouette. "Sorry if i disturbed you, I came to see how you were although it looks like there was no need" Smiling as he moved to the side, Daisy emerging from the light with her red hair almost glowing in the sun light. Without any word, she ran over to Nora and wrapped her arms around her in a tight loving embrace. "Oh Nora, i heard what happened. I was so worried!" The girl exclaimed as she gave Nora a final squeeze and stood back a few steps. "You've gained quite the title, people are calling you the Untouchable Beauty" Hector smirked as he looked down at Nora who was still sitting in the chair. "What a silly name" Nora decreed as she stood up now.  Myra pulled Lien onto her lap as she greeted the two visitors before moving towards the back room. She knew far to well that this was no leisure visit.
"Nora, word has spread across the nation and it would seem that the Elders believe we can use your new found fame to our advantage" Hector paused and then stared out the doorway at the courtyard bathed in soft light. "There's a diplomatic ball tonight, its to discuss trade and supplies which we need more than ever now that we have less than a year to prepare for the Royal Battle. The Elders have proposed you come" Nora did not know how to reply, she stared blankly in shock at the new found news. A ball?! with the Royals? How did he expect her to live up to their expectations. Hector moved closer and smiled "Its tonight, I know its last minute but Iv'e arranged Daisy here to help you with preparations. Meet me at the Sector Gate at sun down" Hector gave a subtle smirk as he walked out the door into the light of day leaving Nora completely stunned to say the least. "Don't worry Nora, you'll be fine" Daisy's gentle tone seemed to soothe as she grinned wide at Nora. "Oh and bring me back some fancy food will ya'. I'm sure those uptight Royals have plates full of it" The two girls laughed together and for a few moments Nora forgot about the impending worry brewing inside her chest. It was one thing standing in front of a powerful blast from an Alba-Bestia, but in a room full of Aristocrats and Royals... Nora couldn't think of anything worse than that.

Sun down was approaching fast, Hector stood

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 24, 2017 ⏰

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