Rebound, But Newfound {4}

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A.N.- I'm so forgetful -.- Thank you so much to BiBabayyyy for the cover!


                I pushed myself back up to my feet and glanced at my “attackers”. I sighed in annoyance and shook my head.

                “Davey, Greg, hello,” I said calmly. Davey Harrison and Greg Owens. Best buddies. Big assholes. Homophobes. Annoying little shits, to put it simply.

                “Hi Tommy. Where’s Zeke, huh faggot?” Davey asked with a smirk.

                “I’m positive that if he was here right now, faggot would be the last word coming out of your mouth,” I said flatly. Davey was scared of Zeke, and for good reasons. You pissed Zeke off, you got the shit beat out of you.

                “But Zeke’s not here, and you two are both faggots,” Davey said and Greg snickered.

                “Ayo, I’m not a faggot. I’m Tommy, I’m gay, but I could get more pussy than you,” I said with a shrug. “Girls like dick as in the object, not the personality. So keep talking shit, hard ass.”

                Davey glared. He grabbed me by the front of my shirt and yanked me right up to his face. “You need to shut up you stupid faggot,” he growled.

                I rolled my eyes. “Look, you can beat me up or whatever, but you’d regret that. I can defend myself, and I can fight back even if I don’t like fighting. Plus, if you hit me, that instantly sets my brothers and my boyfriend after you. And I’m sure Trace would love to help them kick your ass too. So you should just let me go, stop calling us faggots, and grow up.”

                “Look, everyone has agreed we’re sick of the fags on this soccer team. That means you, Zeke, and Trace have got to go,” Greg said, stepping up. Sadly, these two were on my soccer team. Sigh.

                “As Sleeping With Sirens says: If you can’t hang, then there’s the door,” I said simply. “I’m not getting kicked off a team for my sexual orientation. Now let go of my shirt Davey.”

                He smirked. “You know, if that Kory kid makes the team, you’ll get kicked off. You’re the youngest member on the team Tommy, and we’re full. If he’s better than you, you’re out.”

                He pulled his fist back. “You and you’re fucked up eyes think on that kiddo,” he said, his smirk getting wider as his fist shot forward and made contact with my face. “I bet Zeke would like spending all that team time with Kory.” He hit me again. “And would forget about you.” And again.

                He whipped me to the ground and kicked me once, hard. “So again, think about it kid,” he said. He and Greg laughed before turning and walking to the other end of the field, taking the soccer ball from me so they could practice shooting together.

                I forced myself to my feet, my nose bleeding and a cut on my cheek. I ran the back of my hand across my face, wiping off some blood. I hurried away from the field before they decided to come back and hit me again. I was not a violent person.

                Think on that kiddo.

                Slight panic rose in me. Davey was right. If Kory made the team, I would no doubt be kicked off. I was the youngest one. I would get kicked off of the varsity team and put on the junior or sophomore team. Then Zeke would be with Kory. And Kory would impress him. And Zeke would leave m-

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