a 'theatre geek' meets a 'emo'

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Roman's POV

the theater club is becoming less and less popular... I mean, we were never really popular to begin with. but we keep losing members. I'm walking around handing people flyers, most people just throw them away or refuse to take one. I finally give up and just start walking to class. but as I'm walking I'm not paying attention at all. I bump into someone and we both fall dropping everything we were holding.   

Virgil's POV

I was walking to my first class with my hoodie up and my music playing, not really paying attention. and suddenly, I felt someone crash into me. we both fell to the floor and I dropped everything I was carrying. I look up and see someone dressed in Prince costume. "hey, are you okay?" he asks, I decide to respond with something silly.  "..Ya, I'm fine princey." I smile a little at the silly nickname I gave him .. he's kind of cute... wait! I can't think that I just met him! and I already gave him a nickname and called him cute!... I can't ruin this like I did at my old school. 

Roman's POV

 I laugh a little at the new nickname that he gave me, probably referring to my outfit I was wearing for this mornings club meetup "you sure, hot topic?" I say giving him a nickname as well, I pick up some of my flyers and then help him up. "I'm Roman, what's your name?" 

Virgil's POV 

"my name is Virgil" I say quietly, I cringe at the sound of my own name, I've never really liked it... but I don't like the nickname my old 'friends' gave me either "...but, a lot of my old..um...friends...called me anxiety.. kind of just a weird nickname I got stuck with. heh..." 

Roman's POV 

from the way he said that, it doesn't really sound like he likes getting stuck with that name.   "hmm... well, you need a new nickname.. what about Verge?" 

Virgil's POV 

Woah, that sounds much cooler than my real name. "I like that name," I say smiling, i haven't really smiled for a while.. how is this person making me smile, just by being there? then, the bell rings. "well, I have to go, see ya later Verge." he says as he walks off "see ya, Princey." he walks away... and I stop smiling again, I don't know what it is about him. I just met him!.... but, I already feel miserable without him...  

Sanders Sides Highschool AU(prinxiety)(logicality)Where stories live. Discover now