Note from the author

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Greetings, people of the planet WattPad!

I raise my appendage to you in the intergalactic gesture of “please accept this gift of genetically modified corn.”

To be honest, I don’t actually know what the intergalactic gesture of “please accept this gift of genetically modified corn” is, but if I did, I would be doing it right now. Instead, I offer for your enjoyment a serialisation of the first chunk of my latest novel, Grasshopper Jungle.

Do you know how much it pleases me—being from California, and all—to use the word “serialisation” as opposed to serialization? The pleasure is significant; trust me. So let me tell you this: Grasshopper Jungle is about everything: love, cigarettes, pizza, medieval Polish saints, confusion, loyalty, urinal factories, war, and giant horny unstoppable insect killing machines that will eradicate mankind.

Sit down, buckle up, and enjoy.



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