First Day Back

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Now I would give you my name but if you go to my school you probably already know my name I am the schools "lost girl". The last time I was called Scarlet was by my parents..... They died in a car accident about 14 years ago but the pain still lurks around my heart every now and then your probably wondering who I am living with, well for the past 14 years I have been living with my drunk sexually abusive uncle. Well now you know enough about me let's get up and get ready for school. Today is the first day back to school after summer break. I got up and took a shower and got dressed I don't use make up but yes I am very insecure about basically everything.

I straightened my hair and went downstairs thank god my uncle was passed out on the couch I made myself a PB&J and grabbed my phone and left the house to the highschool. I walked to the office to get my schedule so I had to see Mr. Cummins he is the principal "hi I'm scarlet can I get my schedule" I said to Mr.Cummins "scarlet..." He said waiting for my last name "Spencer" I said answering his question "ahhh here you go ms. Spencer" he said handing me my schedule "thank you have a nice day Mr.Cummins" I said walking off and heading to my first class.

As I was looking at my paper and I felt something impact my shoulder "I am so sor....." I stopped myself when I realised who it was "oh scar you shouldn't have done that" his voice rang throughout my head and made me wanna puke but I stood there frozen not able to say anything "why so quiet dick caught your throat again whore" he said spitting whore, at this point I was tearing up "aww you gonna go cry to your mommy " he said in a mocking tone. I was done with his shit and little did he know I had a punching bag in my room for practicing with his face on it "I don't have one" I said through gritted teeth and looking up "then go cry to your daddy" he said laughing "I don't have one of those either he looked down at me and said "then would do live with" he said curious "my.... Uncle" I said sadly " whatever I have to get to class lost girl" he said tripping me on the way out I grabbed his foot so he would start to fall and I just kept punching and punching and punching he is lucky I didn't have a gun.

I went to go swing again but my arms where tired so they were slow and he caught my balled up fist and flipped us over to were he was on top he pinned my arms to the ground and staring at me with blood dripping down his face "you are one crazy bitch what the fuck is wrong with you" he said angry "I've never told anyone my parents died and you make fun of them that's why and I am done with all the BULLSHIT you put me through on a daily basis, so go do me a favor an go fuck yourself" I said ripping my hands out of his grip and and getting up "so lost girl does have some back bone" I turned around facing him "please don't call me lost girl" I turned around and started walking to my locker once I found it I got my stuff and went to my first class and what do ya know I got dick beaterson sitting right next to me with an ice pack on his nose which caused me to snarl "what's so f..." he said realizing that I am the one laughing "scar I would never hit a girl so I can't destroy the masterpiece you call your face but you can destroy mine and I guess I kinda deserve it but this little conversation doesn't change anything your still a little lost girl" he said and started to look at the computer screen huh I wonder why he would say something like that then act like it never happened.

Kians POV
After that little conversation we just had I started staring at my computer and I heard nothing that in tire class period I was thinking about what scar did to me it was kinda hot and honestly I deserver it what I said to her was horrible and I just wish she would get the hint like she is clueless I sighed out loud and she looked over here with her gorgeous blue eyes and her beautiful pink hair, she giggled I just continued staring at my laptop.

Scarlets POV
After school I was walking home but was stopped by kian "hey lost girl" he said with a smirk so evil only him and the Lucifer could wear "what do you want daddy" I said mocking his girlfriend "hey she has nothing to do with this conversation" he said giggling "so you didn't do anything all day" he said questioning me "yes I did but I did everything at school why do you care" he just smirked and looked down "I just noticed you don't have anything in your backpack" he said ripping off my back and running off with it "kian please my uncle will be pissed" I said getting scared because I don't know what he will do "please kian" I said getting teary eyed he stopped and went towards me "why are you so scared of your uncle" he said i didn't reply "I asked you a question" he yelled "he is abusive" I said quietly and fast kians eyes widened and he said through gridded teeth "abusive" I looked up crying a little "yes, and why do you care" I said choking on my words "I don't but I don't want you to come to school with bruises either" he said smirking "its to late for that" I said hoping he wouldn't hear "what did you say" he said "nothing  "OK wellp I gotta go home my mom is leaving me home alone and i gotta watch the house even though we live right next to you I have to get home and if anything goes wrong tonight climb in that window" kian said "yes I bully you but that doesn't mean that I think you deserve to be abused" he said amazing me with his words.

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