My Moon: An Allegory

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I woke up with a start,

Thinking, 'This dream is a work of art...'

Or a nightmare shall it be?

Let me take you in; come and see!

It is a moonless night,

Separated apart, from my mate,

In soul-less fright,

And hither and thither is crumpled my fate!

Then howl the wolves, and noises they make

I dart forward, to seek bright

But there's no moon; the stars seem fake

And everything in this world lacks light!

Yes, as poignant as it might feel,

It is as if my moon, the sky did steal!

So I realize the world without-

The moon is useless, no doubt!

From my dream I drift away,

By the window to see end the day,

And there is the moon, I sigh!

Who's stayed for the world, Oh my!

I wonder in subconscious sway,

If there were no such satellite...

How would the traveler find his way?

Even if he put in all his might?

Oh Goddess of the Moon, Selene,

I thank thee!

For being in the darkest hour one might be,

Which includes as well, my loved ones and me! 

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