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As he watched the approaching enemy standing at the watch tower, he knew they will not survive. He wished he could avoid all this blood bath but there was nothing he could do. He had asked all the townsmen & villagers to leave if they wish to live but no one agreed. They couldn't abandon their culture. They wished to die instead of living a life of slave. He felt his wife's hand on his back. She has decided to take the hardest task. To stand in the last defense of their children. She will be leading the sacrifice if the Walls are breached. 

As the morning shined, King Demour knew they are going to win today. It was a good omen. He was not a superstitious person but there was no denying the Omens.  As he walked towards his Commander, he could see the worries in his eye. As he glanced towards the enemy's castle he understood. He could see the enemy wearing their "Red Uniform". It would mean only one thing that they will fight till the last man remains standing.

The wars where men's don't flee are always the hardest to win but he there was nothing to worry. The sheer numbers alone will grant him the win. They outnumbered the enemy by atleast 16-1. 

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 09, 2017 ⏰

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