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Austins pov

Things have really spun out of control. My friends and I are sorta apart of a gang and what we were supposed to get from this kid backfired. He's dead and now I don't know how we're gonna get the money from him. Zach was hurt he's in the hospital now getting his bullet wound stitched up and they think he might have broken his leg. It was really a drug deal that went wrong. We were delivering cocaine to him and then their was drive by that happened people got hurt drugs got stolen and were all sitting in the hospital all shaken up.

"Bro we could have fucking died" Alex said trembling

"I know bro I fucking know" I said continuing to look down at the floor

"We are so lucky one of us didn't die" Alex said

"I know bro fuck" I said running my hand through my hair

The hospital room was quiet and we were the only two people waiting here because we were in a different part of the hospital. Someone came around the corner in a furious manner. It was Jake. He was dressed in a leather jacket and all white. His blonde hair was pushed under a beanie and he didn't look happy.

"What the fuck guys!" Jake snapped

My head popped up and I met eyes with Jake. He tore his sunglasses off revealing his crystal blue eyes that I stared into. He didn't look happy and when Jake wasn't happy nobody else was.

"Are you gonna fucking answer either of you?" he snapped again

"It wasn't our fucking fault, the guys came out of nowhere. We were making the deal the way we were supposed to and then their was drive by the kid died and our drugs were robbed. I took almost 500 from the kid" I answered

"You guys are fucking idiots" he laughed "I can't believe you guys something so fucking simple and you get into a drive by somehow why would you do that somewhere out in the open?"

"It wasn't we were in the back of an alley and then a red Mercedes drove by slowly and two guys started shooting. He shot the kid dead in the head and he was bleeding all over the floor. We took cover and started firing back at them taking the money and leaving when we went to get the drugs the people already took them" Alex explained

"Where the fuck is Zach?"

"He got hurt, they shot him in the leg and he might have a broken leg because the car tried hitting him and we had to run out of their" I said

"You fucking guys had one job. You all could have been fucking killed. How long have you been doing this" He said rolling his eyes

"We didn't know their was gonna be a fucking drive by dam Jake you didn't fucking warn us and tell us that their was another gang who was after that kid we were selling drugs too"

"Of course their fucking was! Who do you think we're selling drugs to other fucking gangs Austin"

"I fucking know Jake don't you think we're fucking shaken up from this too? We're the ones who were their you fucking weren't"

"I've done plenty of these jobs Austin"

Jake was our co leader. He was in charge mostly. I was second in charge when he wasn't around and our main leader was in charge of him. Being in a gang was fucking crazy at times. I'm so glad nobody fucking died at least people I cared about.

"Let's go see how Zach is" I said standing to my feet. My clothes were all dirty and ripped from us running through the woods to our getaway car. I had a couple cuts on my face and a bruise on my leg because a branch snapped back into my leg when we were running.

We walked back to the room where Zach was. We had to go down a long hallway and turn down it. We went into the room slowly and he was awake. He looked like he was on some good drugs and the addict inside me was itching for it.

"Hey man" I said sending him a smile

"Hey bros" He said

"These idiots almost got you killed" Jake chuckled going over to his bed

"Yeah we all almost got fucked up, wrong place at the wrong time I guess" He shrugged

"Yeah something like that. That kid you were selling to is dead?" He asked

"Yeah he's a goner, we got the money though but they stole the drugs"

"We'll get me back" Jake said nudging his shoulder. I knew he was only being nice to him because he was hurt or otherwise he would be on his ass like he was to us.

Zach didn't have to stay the night they were letting him go home but he was gonna have to take it easy. I couldn't believe it one of us could have fucking died. Zach ended up breaking his leg so he had to walk out on crutches.

We went back to the gang house which is where Jake lived with a couple of other people in our gang. Our leader Fox was sitting at the table when we walked in.

"Hey boys good thing I sent Jake to get you guys. What the fuck happened" He shot

"The guys fucking dead that we were selling drugs to their was drive by from some other gang in a red Mercedes" I said

"The rivals. Did you at least get the money?"

"Yeah ac has it" I said

"We got $500 off of him they took the drugs though we had to run off before they killed one of us. Lucky Zach got off with a bullet in his leg and a broken leg but we're lucky none of us were killed" I admitted

"Yeah we were, now we're gonna go their to their gang and take something of theirs"

"We gonna go kill someone" Jake smirked

"We might have to do something crazy when they mess with us and our drugs"


Poor Zach. He'll be alright though. Now what are they gonna do their gonna have to get back at that gang for that whole attack

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