Chapter One

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Same lips red
Same eyes blue


"Louis, it's time to wake up." Harry tells me, nudging my shoulder. The same way I wake up almost every morning. We don't live together, but we usually stay at each other's houses.

"Do we have to go today?" I groan, rolling over so my face is in the pillow.

"And miss your daily interaction with everyone at school?" Harry asks in his usual perky tone. "I think not. Come on, I've already showered."

"Congratulations." I mumble.

"Come on, get up. Let me see that beautiful face of yours."

"You've seen it almost every day for the past three and a half years." I tell him. Clearly this isn't a new relationship. We got together when we were freshmen in high school. Now we're seniors.

"This isn't up for discussion." Harry says. "Get up or I'm dragging you by the ear."

I sigh as I roll back over onto my back, and sit up as I rub my eyes. I wouldn't put actually dragging me by my ear past him. I slowly climb out of his bed as I open his dresser drawer dedicated to my things up and pick up a shirt and a pair of jeans. Not even paying attention to what I grab. All of my clothes are basically the same anyways.

I put my clothes on, grumbling the whole time as Harry walks up to me, fixing my fringe, as he does every morning. He just does it better than I do. On the days he's not with me in the morning, are the days I wear a hat all day in school.

I put my hoodie on as I sit back down on his bed, checking my phone. All I have is a couple of texts from Niall. Which is nothing new. I don't even bother reading or responding to them, I'll see him at school.

"You look very handsome, Lou." He tells me with a smile.

"As do you, Mr. Styles." I tell him as I can't help the smile that grows across my face. "I've never understood how you're always so chipper in the morning. Or the rest of the day."

"That's where we differ, m'love." He tells me as he sits beside me on his bed. He gives me a kiss on my cheek as I push my face closer to him. "Come on, you've slept in again. We need to go."

"Okay." I sigh as we both get up, making our way downstairs. Harry's mom must still be asleep. She usually is up with tea for us in to go mugs because I never wake up on time to sit down and drink it.

Harry quickly grabs his car keys as we make our way out the door. I take my usual spot in the passengers seat and rest my head against the window.

Soon Harry makes his way around his car and takes the drivers seat. Wasting no time to get on our way.
I've never understood why he's so strict about school. We have a mutual agreement that we don't actually learn anything useful there, yet he still thinks that it's a big deal for us to show up and actually try every day.

He tries. I sit through the class, doing anything but listening as the teacher talks about things that neither them or we care about. When my name is called for an answer, I just say something sarcastic to get the teachers mind off of me telling them the answer to something I don't know.

Two Ghosts- Larry Stylinson AUWhere stories live. Discover now