Gray Area In Between

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What even are we?
I find myself asking that question time, and time again. I can tell you what I want and hope for the future, but as I sit here looking at you my brain tells me a thousand different things; and still finds ways to contradict itself.
We aren't in a relationship, due to the fact that your eyes linger on other females, and mine on other males. Yet, when your hand is entwined in mine my heart tells me there's nothing else this can possibly be.
My brain convinces me we're friends as we laugh and joke around, but we all know that there's something more. And the way I look at you, I don't look at my other friends the same.
The only logical explanation for that gray area in between, is friends with benefits. But how does that occur when our lips have never crossed paths? There's that area in between friends and lovers, and we keep getting lost. Every time we think we see an exit it's always a false illusion; and at times where it seems like our journey is almost over another mile stretches out in front of us. I question, and I wonder, what even are we, if not this?

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