Planet IOX

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"O Captain, my Captain." Jonathan earned a glare, and grinned. "C'mon, Aly. Haven't you seen the Dead Poet's Society?"

"No." She brushed off specks of dust from her uniform. Aly was about to tell him off when a figure burst into the room. Her eyes were shining, but not in a good way.

"Jon, tell me it's not true!" Aly stepped to the side, fiddling with spare papers. He placed a hand on the girl's shoulder.

"Gia, I have to. This type of discovery is amazing! Planet IOX, quarter of a lightyear away." She refused to look convinced.

"Let me come with you. We've got the same degrees." He exhaled slowly.

"I can't. It's orders from the top." Aly flinched, expecting a screaming match to ensue. Instead, Gia wiped her eyes.

"Be safe, Captain Alyx." Jon took Gia in his arms, whispering things that only she could hear. After an awkward pause, Jonathan let her go.

    "I'll see you soon." He kissed her forehead. She looked at him, then gave a quick nod to Aly before leaving. Jon watched her walk all the way down the corridor, even after she was no longer in sight. Aly bumped his shoulder.

"Let's go, Jonathan. We've got a flight to catch." He smiled, but his heart wasn't into it. Aly paused, flicking her short, blonde hair to the side. "She'll be fine. We'll be fine. Now, come on." They made their way to the rocket, with Aly's stoic, grey eyes looking only ahead. The two astronauts were strapped in, fully suited, and ready to fly after two hours. Georgia was at Mission Control, glancing from the window to the screens.

    "You okay?" Blue eyes were gazing worriedly at her when she turned. She gave a breathy laugh.

    "I'm nervous, Carter. I'd be less nervous if I was going with them." He pushed up his glasses.

"Being nervous isn't beneficial. Could you help me? Something is off in the main system, I think it's the solid rocket boosters." She knew he was trying to distract her.

"I'll give it a try." She sat down next to him, typing in a few codes. "How's it now?" Carter peered at the screen, then nodded.

"Running smoothly." The announcer started calling T-minus one minute, and Gia rushed to her station.

"This is CAPCOM to the Proxy. Everything stable?"

"Affirmative, CAPCOM." Aly's voice resonated a leaderful tone.

"Mission Specialist, everything stable?"

"Affirmative, CAPCOM. If it wasn't, I'd tell ya." Gia could hear the smile in his voice.

"All systems are a go."


Everyone around her began furiously typing, a general hum of chatter rising. She watched her screen as the speakers blasted.


"Preparing for liftoff," said the head of Mission Control.


The rocket's engines blasted, the sound vibrating the entire building. Everyone huddled around the windows, watching in excitement as the rocket flew. A powerful tail of fire trailed behind it in a dazzling cape, and the cheers of people down on Earth were as audible as the rocket. Georgia was in the back, touching her hand over and over to ensure that the diamond ring was still wound around her finger. The launch was an obvious success, and only she was not celebrating. In fact, she seemed weary as praise was spread. Carter walked over to her.

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