When Angels Fall

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"So get this, unexplained deaths
up in Denver, Colorado. Two couples mysteriously disappeared in the woods turning up dead 1 day later." Sam explained.
"So?" Dean asked groggily.
"So!!! Their hearts were ripped out, halfway eaten, body almost drained, the cause of death? Hypothermia." Sam says in disbelief.
"Could've died from hypothermia, then ripped open by wild animals, it was the forest after all." Dean said while looking for coffee, "hey, what the hell happened to the coffee!!" Dean yelled causing Sam to jump.
"Oh, I, um, might've drunken it" Sam says sheepishly.
"What the fuck! We had two things of it" Dean says angrily while using his hands to show how big it was, "what time were you up till?" Dean questioned.
Sam leaned back, and scratched his head, "uh, all night, maybe" he replied.
Dean then noticed the dark circles under his eyes, and his slouched over position.
"Hey go get some rest, I'll look into it, we can't have you like this if we go on a hunt" Dean clapped his brothers shoulders, Sam quietly agreed before slinking off to bed. He walked down the hallways to his room then plopped on his bed, asleep before his head hit the pillow. Dean sat down at his brothers laptop, started scrolling through the article, seemingly getting more interested. Then he heard a flap of wings and without looking around said
"Hey Cas"
"Guess again Dean-o" chuckled the other angel. This time Dean turned around, only to stare at an archangel
"Hello Gabriel" Dean said stiffly, still holding a grudge against him after putting in that role-playing crap.
"Awww your no fun" Gabriel joked.
"Why are you here, and how the hell are you not dead?" Dean asked turning around, facing the computer.
"You can't out-trick a trickster, Luci may have taught me the tricks, but I'm more experienced than him on earth. I've been hiding out in heaven, than Metatron fucked that up for me by making the angels fall." Gabriel explained slowly growing angrier.
"Then how did you..." Dean asked motioning with his hands one spot to another.
"Dean-o I'm an archangel I don't really fall from heaven, it's just locked. By the way were is Castiel?" Gabriel asked looking around, then snapped his over over to the bunker door when it slammed. And in came and dirtied and bloodied Cas.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 30, 2017 ⏰

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