Chapter 1:

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     "Sin, these files need to be signed and returned by next week, please begin working on them immediately." It's really pitiful how everyone works so hard to keep Sindria thriving while the king goes out to get drunk or takes naps when he is supposed to be working too.
     "I have plenty of time to sign these before next week rolls around. It's not like anyone would die if I didn't sign them anyways." Sinbad groaned as he lifted his head from his desk.
     "No, but you need to work some too. Everyone in this palace is working their butts off while you are snoring away." I don't like to argue with the king. It seems like I get pushed farther away from him every time we fight, and that's the last thing I want to happen. I've been with Sinbad since I was a child, and it would be heartbreaking if we got separated now.
     "Ja'far, I know everyone is working, and I'm trying my best too, but it's so boring. I'm not meant to stay in one place. I'm supposed to be exploring the outside world."   I have to admit that he's right. Sin seems happier when he is outside, but it's his job to help run the kingdom since it was his idea to build it.
     "Shouldn't you be working? You already said everyone else was doing their job, so why are you in here arguing with me instead of doing your own job?" Sin snapped. That one question bothered me more than it should've. I know that I work hard everyday. I never leave my work unfinished, but hearing those words from Sinbad broke my heart. Does he think I don't work? Does he think that I'm annoying? Do I bother him that much? I never thought he would say something like that to me.
     "I have finished all my work for today. I'm only in here to get you to do your job. I'm sorry for being a bother. It won't happen again." I fought the tears as I walked out of his room. How could he say something like that? Doesn't he know that I work as hard as I can? I should probably sleep. I will try hard to meet Sin's expectations. If only he didn't think so lowly of me.
     I woke up to the sound of knocking on my door. Maybe it's one of the other generals wanting me to help them do something.
     "Ja'far, may I come in?" The sound of the kings voiced surprised me. I was sure he was angry with me. Did I do something wrong?
     "Of course, Lord Sin." I quickly sat up and fixed my clothes just in time for the door to open. Sinbad walked in and sat down on the bed beside me.
     "I'm sorry I said that to you. I know that you work harder than anyone else in this kingdom. I was just irritated. You don't bother me either. I enjoy it when you come into my office, even if it's just to yell at me. It lets me know that you haven't forgotten about me. Please don't be angry with me." Was he actually apologizing. What a relief. I don't want to quit going into Sinbad's office. I wish I knew if he truly meant those words though.
     "I...It's fine. I shouldn't bother you as much as I do anyways, and please refrain from giving me so much credit. I just finish my work faster that's all." Sinbad looked at me for a minute as if he had something really important he wanted to tell me. He glanced away before scooping my hands up and holding them. I fought to hide the blush forming on my cheeks as I stared at him.
     "Ja'far, stay with me until the end. I don't know what I would do if you weren't here for me. Better yet, I don't know how this country would survive without you here." I couldn't believe the words coming out of his mouth. Does he honestly mean all that?
     "That's a pretty big favor to ask, Lord Sin, but I promise I will do whatever it takes to stay by your side." I could see the happiness in Sin's eyes as I said those words. Why is he saying all this all of a sudden? Is he drunk?
     "Thank you, Ja'far. I'm glad I can count on you." He stated as he hugged me. I blushed at the sudden contact. He knows that all the generals are here for him doesn't he? Why is he saying this to me? Does he think I would leave him? Sinbad pulled away and smiled at me. I stared at him for a while before turning my gaze.
     "Ja'far, I wanted you to be the first one to know. I'm getting married a few weeks from now. I finally found someone in my life that I cherish the most." It seemed like my whole world came crashing down as soon as those words left his mouth. My heart started hurting. It felt like it was shattering into a million pieces, but I kept it to myself. I smiled at the king and pulled my hands into my lap.
     "Congratulations, my king, I can't wait to meet her." I said as I held back my tears. Was this really happening? It has to be a nightmare. Everything seems wrong. Sinbad was never supposed to get married. He was supposed to be my significant other. It seems like luck was against me. King Sinbad would never go after a cold blooded assassin like me anyways, but as long as Sin is happy, I can live knowing that my king found his greatest purpose in the world.
     "Why are you crying? Did I say something wrong?" Sinbad asked as he stared at me with a concerned look in his eyes.
     "No, I'm just happy that you finally found someone." I stood up and rushed out of the room before I could embarrass myself more. How come I never got to meet this woman? I never saw any girl in the palace more than once. This is what I get for falling in love with the king.  I failed at hiding my emotions. Sin must think I'm a big crybaby.
     "Ja'far! Where are you?" The sound of the king's voice echoed off the walls. What does he want now? My heart has already been broken, what else could he possibly do?
     "I have work to do Lord Sin. Please let me work in peace if you will." I still couldn't comprehend what Sin said earlier. Was he really getting married?
    "Are you okay? You left pretty quickly earlier." Was Sinbad really that worried about me? Of course not! What am I saying? Sinbad isn't worried about me. He has his wedding to think about.
     "I'm fine. Please go away. I'm supposed to spar with Sharrkan in a few moments and I would like to get ready in peace." Lying was the only option. I had to get rid of Sinbad. I felt vulnerable in this state. Sinbad hasn't seen me cry since I was a child.
     "Please don't lie to me Ja'far. I just got done talking with Sharrkan. He said that he had to go see Yamraiha to help her with a new spell." Crap! Just my luck. Of course he talked to Sharrkan. What else could go wrong today?
     "Lord Sinbad, I spoke to Ja'far earlier and he told me that he wasn't feeling well, so please allow him to work in peace." The sound of Masrur,s voice surprised me. I never talked to him today like he said, but I was glad that he saved me.
     "If you weren't feeling well, you didn't have to lie to me." Sinbad sounded very disappointed. I failed him once again. All I could do was listen as Sin's footsteps faded away. Once they were gone all together, Masrur walked into the room and stood in front of me.
     "I saw you crying earlier. I wanted to know if you were okay." Masrur spoke gently as if even the slightest mistake would tear me down.
     "I'm fine. I'm sorry I broke down." It felt wrong sharing my feeling with someone else, but it felt soothing at the same time. I felt like I could share my feelings with Masrur. I could trust him not to tell.
     "It's good to cry every once and a while. Please do not apologize." His words felt really meaningful to me. Nobody ever took time to ask me how I felt.
     "Thank you, Masrur. That means a lot to me." I smiled at Masrur. Everything he said sounded sincere. My eyes widened as Masrur scooped me into a hug. Was he okay? He usually refuses to show emotions.
     "Hey, Ja'far, I...." The sound of Sinbad's voice caused my whole world to tumble once again. This was bad. Now he might think that I'm in love with Masrur.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 29, 2017 ⏰

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