Chapter 4

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"I don't think that's a good idea, Ella. You never know, he may see you more as competition than a friend." You feel sorry for doing this.

"Well then, I see how it is. I can't believe that you would do this. I thought you would want me to see him so I would think of him as a boy to hook up with. You know, maybe Blake was right. Maybe we are different." Ella storms out of the house, you right on her heels. You stop in your front door frame as you watch her leave. You, being frustrated, go back to your room, snatch the phone off of the table, and call Blake.

"Hello?" he answers.

"Blake! This is ______. Can you come over to my house? Like now?"

"Uh. . . I'm kinda busy right now," You hear him yell at something. "Why the sudden urge to hang out with me?"

"What were you yelling at?"

"My. . .dog. Now answer my question."

"Me and Ella got into a fight. She ran out of my house crying. I feel bad. And I don't want to wait until Friday. Can you?" You're hoping for a yes.

"I already told you. I'm kinda busy. I'll see you tomorrow at school. Love you" Blake hangs up but you still keep the phone up to your ear, listening to the buzzing on the other side. You sigh and put down the phone. You have a million visions going through your head. You lay down and instantly fall asleep thinking about Blake Everheart.


You are by your locker getting ready for your first class. When you close the door, you see Blake standing there. You jump 3 feet in the air. Blake laughs and hugs you, "Why did that scare you? It's not like I had a gun in my hand or anything."

"It didn't you surprised me. I hate surprises, almost as much as I hate blood."

"Why don't you like surprises? They're fun!"

"I just don't OK?"

"OK. OK. Don't get mad at me. I won't do that anymore" Blake bends down to give you a kiss. You don't refuse. You can hear the people around you start gossiping. This is gonna spread fast. "Excited for Friday?"

"Hell yeah. Although, I wish I could fix the problem between me and Ella. I can't stop thinking of how much of a bitch I was towards her. I tried being nice."

"Why don't I fix it!" Blake lights up like a light bulb. "I just need to know what you guys are fighting over, and/or about."

"and/or? Who says that now days?" You laugh. "I don't know I mean it's not yours to fix. And it's not even over something we should be fighting over."

"What is it?"

"Well, Ella wants to meet you. I told her it was a bad idea because I know how guys see other girls and they cheat on their girlfriends with that girl. Normally, that girl they cheated with is the girlfriends best friend. I just didn't want the three of us getting hurt." You look down. Blake picks you head up by your chin.

"Hey it's ok. You were just looking after all of us. That shows me that you care." He kisses you again deeper than before. He puts a smirk on his face. "And plus, isn't that what boyfriends are for?"

"I'm. . .your. . .girlfriend?" You are shocked.

"Well we are kissing, in front of people I should add, and we're going on a date. Why wouldn't I?"

"True. Well then I guess that makes you my first boyfriend."

"Wait. Did you just say your first is me?"

"Yep. Werid I know. Don't judge me!" You playfully slap him. You both laugh.

"Back to the subject, Do you want my help or not?"


If you want Blake to help, turn to chapter 9.

If you don't want Blake to help, turn to chapter 8.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: May 09, 2012 ⏰

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