The Gassy Sisters

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[Warning! This story contains fart fetish content. If this isn't your forte, then back away.]

Jessie, a 16 year old girl, was sitting down on a couch in the living room. Both of her parents were gone for the day, so she had the house to herself... Well, herself and her 5 other sisters. One of them, who's name is Jenny, as sitting on her lap. She was 10 years old.

"Jessie, when's mommy and daddy coming back?" Jenny asked.

"They'll be coming back tomorrow. They have an important meeting, So for now, it's just us." Jessie responded.

"Jess, I'm scared. What if our other sisters torture us?" Jenny asked in fear. Jessie gave the question some thought. All their other sisters were notorious for torturing the duo with this gas, except for one: Suki. Suki was very kind and dependable, especially when it comes to Jessie and Jenny. She always tried her best to defend her favorite siblings from their torturers.

"Don't worry. I won't let anything happen to you. And if I can't, then Suki will be there for you and me."

Jenny's eyes were practically beaming after hearing Jessie's statement. She then gave Jessie a huge hug.

"Oh, thank you, sis! I'm happy I can count on you!"

"Aw, it's no problem. How about we watch some TV?" Jessie suggested.


[One Hour Later...]

Jessie and Jenny were sitting on the couch watching their favorite show: The Simpsons. As they were watching the episode, a redhead girl slowly crept up to them. Once she got to the couch, she turned around and pointed her rather large rear at the two. She then ripped a long, bubbly blast of gas at the two girls. Jessie and Jenny were hit by the smell almost immediately.

"*coughs* Ugh, why Scarlett?!" Jessie asked, gagging at the smell. The aforementioned girl just laughed.

"Aw, come on! That was just golden!" Scarlett laughed. Jessie and Jenny just plugged their noses and left the room. As they were walking down a hallway, they came face to face with a girl with green hair. She had her plump butt aimed at them. The butt then released a powerful, brassy, and pungent fart that clouded the hallway. The hallway began to reek of fish, and Jessie and Jenny began to gag. Jessie recognized that smell anywhere.

"Aw, come on, Takuta!" Jessie shouted. The blue-haired girl just laughed.

"Hey, you had it coming. What, you want another?" Takuta asked, shaking her butt at the two.

"No more!" Jenny shouted.

"Too bad!"

Takuta then ripped a long wet ripper that reeked of a garbage dump. Jessie and Jenny covered their noses in disgust.

"Ugh... so stinky..." Jenny complained. As they were struggling due to the smell, Scarlett caught up to the duo."

"Hey, Takuta, let's tag team them!" Scarlett suggested.

"I like the way you think!" Takuta said. She then restrained Jessie while Scarlett restrained Jenny. The two of them sat their big butts on their respective sisters. Both of them released very bubbly toots on their faces. The smell reeked of cheese, and Jessie and Jenny were struggling under Takuta and Scarlett's weights. It wasn't long before the duo released dry, airy farts on their faces, making them smell even worse.

"Ooh! Hold them down for a sec! I'll be right back." Scarlett said. She got off of Jenny's face and walked over into a room. She came back with a large blanket, which she draped over Jenny, Jessie, Takuta, and herself. She then sat back down on Jenny. Scarlett and Takuta both began ripping fart after fart, trapping Jessie and Jenny in a Dutch oven. The two of them were screaming. After another brassy release from both of them, Jessie and Jenny passed out within the second. Once the torture was over, Takuta pushed the blanket away. She took a whiff of their work.

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