Chapter 2

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4th July

Alfred's phone buzzed as his morning alarm began to ring its obnoxious tune. He sat up and shut it off quickly. He lazily rubbed his eyes and slowly got out of bed. He placed his glasses onto his face and began wandering around looking for clothes.

Alfred was half asleep wandering around to find his things so he could go to work. He kissed his body pillow of Arthur. He got it specially made and was awfully proud of it. He had one that he kept in a packet and the other he kept out. "Bye honey... see you when I'm back from work!" He spoke tiredly. Not actually sure what he was doing. He ate breakfast and headed on his way.

Alfred spent the morning at his office building. He rubbed his eye as he sat at his desk. Another boring day, with a large coffee to wake himself up. His eyes widened realising he kissed the body pillow and said goodbye to it. He groaned and rubbed his forehead. He hated himself sometimes.

As the day went on Alfred grew a feeling as if he were forgetting something. It pricked him like a tiny needly. Just enough to know it's there but not sure what it could be if you couldn't see it. He scratched his head and continued on.

The day was boring as usual. He did his work then admired picture of Arthur and checked to see what he was up to on forums, etc. All that jazz. Then he walked home. He bought himself a microwave dinner once again. He'd never really got the grasp of cooking healthy meals every night. He didn't really have the time to keep the food fresh and prepare and cook it etc.

When he came back he panicked to find his apartment door unlocked for the world to wander inside. He opened the door. It was pitch black. He always left a light on. He held his frozen dinner tight hoping he could beat someone with it when the lights flicked on


His family stood in front of him. The blonde felt a ugh of relief escape him.

"HAPPY BIRTHDAY!" They cheered

Alfred was confused. What day was it. He checked his phone.  "Bet you thought we forgot didn't you?" Mathew laughed and hugged his brother. "Ergh... yeah. Sure." Alfred pat his back? Too embarrassed to tell them he didn't even remember himself that's how meaningless his birthday must have been. It was nice to feel like someone tried though.

He spent the evening with a nice big turkey dinner with his family , cause those were his favourite. And then they had a big creamy cake which he could of eaten all by himself. Alfred felt practically stuffed by the end of the night. His stomach always felt like it was perturbing but now it definitely was. He smiled happily.

"Present time!" Matthew clapped leading everyone to sit down. Alfred did the same. He got a few things like socks and clothes. But all his family gave a similar grin as they gave him his last gift. He chuckled "you're all weirdos.", it was a small gift but he opened it and he couldn't help but drop his jaw. It may have been small in size but in quality is was brilliant. A VIP backstage pass and concert ticket to see Arthur live. Alfred felt himself almost hyperventilating. "T-this is the greatest gift e-ever." He held them tight. "Only one going. It's an up close and personal one. Took us a lot of money to get that for you but we feel you deserve it." His mother smiled and stroked his hair.
"I-I'm going to see Arthur. I'm finally going to meet Arthur." He held them tightly.

And I'll make him fall in love with me.

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