the beginning

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"Dad, what's this?" An eleven year old girl asked, holding up a baby blue scrapbook labeled 'fillie'.

Finn got up from his chair in the dining room to answer his daughter, "what's what?"

"This." She repeated, raising the book a bit higher, "and what is..Fillie?"

Finn smiled at the item in front of him, taking it from her and sitting promptly on the stairs. "It's a scrapbook, I made it a few weeks after me and your mom met."

"And when was that exactly?" she asked curiously, resting her head on his shoulder.

"Sixth grade." He said, a smile still not able to move on from his lips.

"you started making a scrapbook in sixth grade?"

"Yeah actually, we used to take photos together with our older siblings cameras." Finn said, flipping open the first page.

"Want to hear the story of how we met first?" He asked, raising his eyebrows up and down.

"Um, hell yeah."

"You are definitely my child." He said, smoothing out the plastic covering the pictures.

"But that's not what you say when your moms here."

"Right we say, Heck yeah." The brunette said, nodding her head slowly.

"Good, she'd beat the crap out of me if she found out." Finn said, ruffling her hair with his hand.

"Okay dad, get to the story." She reminded, "oh yeah."

"you, you touched my jordans, dumb ass. Where are they?" Millie shouted across the hall at a tall freckled boy, also know as Finn Wolfhard one of the most popular boys, but to Millie all he was, was dead.

"Your Jordan's, wha- I don't have them?" Finn said, wiping his mouth as he moved away from the water fountain.

"Don't lie you asshole, Jack told me." She said approaching him, he just rolled his eyes and turned away.

But Before he could fully get away Millie stepped in front of him and punched him right in the nose.

"Ow, what the-" Finn started, noticing his nose was now bleeding.

"Know where my Jordan's are now?" Millie questioned, a smile shown on neither of their faces.

"No, I told you I don't know where they are. Jack lies all the time if you didn't notice, and he insists he isn't out after we touch him in tag, those types of kids aren't trustable." Finn said.

"And he's probably just out to get me because I always win when we do laps." he added. "Whatever, still can't trust you dude." Millie shrugged, turning around.

"Wait, I'll help you." He grabbed her hand, "please."

"I don't know Finn, I mean I kind of already punched"

"No it's okay, you can punch jack too, I'll just say I fell." Finn responded.

"Uh, okay I guess. Let's go." Said Millie, as she pulled her hand away and waved for Finn to follow her.

"jacks probably at the bleachers."

They both walked down the hall until they reached a beige colored door, which lead to the stairwell. As soon as the both of them got to the bottom, they stepped out of the building and saw the him, holding her shoes.

"Perfect timing. Stay here I'll be back."

Finn watched as she talked to Jack, it seemed friendly at first but when jack threw her shoes on the ground..that's when it all went downhill.
"Millie, millie stop." Finn said, trying to pull her off of jack. he was a bloody mess-a literal bloody mess.

"That's what you get asshole. You smell like fucking craigslist, is that where you get your clothes fr-

"Millie, calm down."

"No I will not calm down, until this shit-head gets his head out from his ass and learns not to mess will Millie Bobby-fucking-Brown."

"Millie, he's crying I'm pretty sure he knows now."

Millie stood up straight and observed the sobbing boy. "hm" she hummed, walking over to her shoes that were on the ground and picking them up.

"sorry about your nose, Finn." Millie apologized, "I feel really bad."

"It's Fine, it's not broken-I can tell. I broke my nose in a football game once." He smiled, "it still hurt like really bad though, so don't worry. I'm just happy you decided not to beat me up as much as you did to jack."

Millie laughed along with him too, "I'm happy I didn't either."

"I'm sorry your first day had to go like this. At least you got your shoes back though, those are cool."

"it's fine, my day actually went pretty good-well, now it's going good." she smiled, "uh yeah, see you tomorrow."

"You want me to walk you?"

"No, it's fine I can walk." Millie answered, waving goodbye.

"What the fuck that's all that happened?"

"Yeah, pretty much." Finn shrugged, the next day stuff happened but..your madre's home I can see her car lights."

"No why?" she whined.

"Your mom doesn't know I made this." Finn responded, shrugging.

"Now go hide it in your room before she gets in."

"Okay, fine. But you're telling me the rest tomorrow, right?"

"Yes, Jane. Now hurry."


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