mall memories

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the past


Millie's mouth gaped in awe at the current mall she was actually standing in. It was huge compared to the one back at home. So much shiny-er too. The brunette  knew that if her dad were here, he'd be concerned about her safety because of the size. Probably tell her to 'stay close' and all that.

But he wasn't. And she knew that she was just gonna have to keep herself safe from now on. It's not like anyone else was gonna for her.

She weaved through crowds of people listening to some local band sing from the second floor. Did they have no manners? You don't stand directly in the middle of the walkway.

The girl made herself over to a map, placing her finger over the spot that stated, 'you are here'. Her eyes scanned over it, making a mental note on where to go.

She followed the instructions until her eyes met the familiar store.

"yay!" She squeaked in excitement, closing her eyes and breathing in the scent of new clothes. It had been an awfully long time since she last went shopping, and this moment had been waited for long enough.

Her feet dragged her into the store, not noticing the approaching group of people until she was flat on the ground.

"oh shi-I'm so sorry." A dude-ish-oddly familiar sounding voice apologized, pulling her up quickly.

"Millie?" He questioned.

Millie's eyes darted towards his as she heard her own name roll off his tongue.

"Finn?" She mocked in a joke-full, but also partially surprised manner.

The freckled boy smiled, and she found herself gazing at him.

"Shut up." a voice muttered quietly, causing millie to dart her eyes towards the back of Finn. She had totally not noticed the group of boys that accompanied him.

"Were you guys at Forever 21?" She questioned. You could see the panic oozing out of them once the question was asked. The curly haired boy pushed the tiniest one and he unexpectedly pushed him back, hard.

"Of course not." Finn answered, immediately, glaring at the three of them.

Millie nodded, "right."

They looked at each other awkwardly before the brunette coughed, muttering an "okay."

"I'll see you four in school. Have a nice day." She greeted, stepping away from them.

Finn placed a hand on her shoulder, "wait."

Millie raised her eyebrows, waiting for him to go on.

"You can tag along if you want." He suggested.

"I mean, if you're alone."

The boys' eyes widened, shaking their heads at millie, as if telling her to decline the request.

She looked down momentarily before bringing it back up.

"thanks for the offer, but my moms here. I don't want to keep her waiting." Millie responded, smiling.

A look of relief fell on the other boys' faces as Finn looked slightly disappointed.

A smiled appeared back on his face quickly, "Well alright, see you later."

Millie nodded, waving as the group of boys forcibly smiled and turned around. They began punching finn in the shoulder once they were a few feet away.

She sighed, walking into the store without another word.


"You're such a dumbass." Caleb groaned, face palming himself as they rode down the escalator.

"Why am I a dumbass?" Finn questioned, watching as Noah who was in the very front of them all turned around to roll his eyes.

"Dude, have you noticed how clueless you are?" Gaten questioned as finn furrowed his eyebrows.

"What are you talking about?"

Caleb spoke before Gaten could out of pure frustration, "she's a girl!"

Finn rolled his eyes, "so what?"

"So what?" Gaten questioned.

"Yeah, so what if she's a girl?" He rolled his eyes, unaware of the fact that they were making a huge scene in front of the whole mall.

"Girls can't be a part of the party!"

"Did I ask if she could be a part of the party? No, I didn't." Finn fumed, "What's your problem, she's my friend not yours!"

The group stopped walking, ignoring the annoyed look playing on his face.

"So she is your friend." Caleb stated.

"Yeah Caleb, I guess she is my friend." The boy answered as the rest of the party gasped loudly.

Caleb's eyebrows lowered, his eyes moving from them, and then back to him. He stuck his pointer finger out, harshly pressing it against the middle of Finns chest.

He looked down at it confusedly, then made eye contact with his so called 'friend' as he looked back up. If they were such good friends, why was he making a huge thing out of nothing. And in front of a ton of people.

"take it back." he instructed.

Finn shook his head slowly, before slapping the boys hand away. "no."

Caleb lightly laughed, as if he thought this whole thing was a joke. "what'd you just say?"

Finn looked down at him, "I said, no."

The both of them stood there for a moment, asking themselves if this was real. Were they really fighting each other over this.

Before anyone could think anything else Caleb's fist came in constant with Finns eye. The raven haired boys hand reached up to touch it, before swinging his own toward Caleb's.

"the hell is wrong with you!?" Finn questioned, pushing him against the nearest wall.

"What's wrong with you? You're the one breaking the pact!" Caleb announced, struggling to get out of his grasp.

"Pact? We made that when we were seven! When we thought girls had diseases!"

The other party members interjected, "a pact is a pact man."

Without another word Finn let go of Caleb, walking away with the shake of his head.

"Where are you going!?"


what's crack a lackin bros it totally hasn't been a year.

I'm thinking about actually continuing this story, what do you guys think?

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Jul 11, 2018 ⏰

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