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*one month later*

my alarm went off and I slapped my phone off the nightstand. I looked over at my clock which said 3 am. greattt , I thought to my self.

" maddi it's time to get you have an early flight." my mom yelled .

I slowly trudged out of my room carrying the biggest suitcase money can buy. I mean a girl has alot of clothes. especially for 2 months. I so excited.

*at the airport*

I grabbed my starbucks and was waiting for the plane to start boarding. so I decided to text the groupchat.

me: hey ma doods!

blake: hola

joey: yooooo

me: guess everyone else is on their planes

blake: yupppp

joey: I'm boarding now see yall in a bit

me: same see yall later!

blake: duces

I walked to my seat to find I was all the way in the back of the plane sitting next to this pretty cute guy. this could get interesting.

"hey" I smiled.


and I finish there :)))

sorry for the cliffhanger. lol. next chapter coming soon. hope you enjoy

- h

stay; blakegray <3Where stories live. Discover now