balcony kisses

373 17 12

quick a/n; the song for this one shot is 'come away with me' by norah jones (the video can be found in the header). and, if you listen to it on repeat whilst reading the one shot, it'll add on to the feeling! xx


E N J O Y 🌹


"I could stay out here all day and night with you for the rest of my life," he murmurs and starts to pepper kisses from the shell of her ear all the way down to her shoulder blade.

"If you do that, we won't be able to pay the rent," she teases before turning her cheek into him, his starry gaze catching her attention.

He flashes her a boyish smile before kissing her cheek endearingly. He lets his lips linger on her skin for a while, humming to himself in content as she feels him smile lightly against her cheek. His grip around her waist tightens as he inadvertently pulls her closer to him, nuzzling his nose into her cheek, causing a giggle to erupt from her lips.

They stay like this for what seems like hours as they watch the night sky, in its beautiful velvet shade, grow darker and darker, allowing the stars to come out of their hiding and the moon to shine ever so brightly.

There are a few times where Harry takes her hand in his, with her back still against his chest, and uses his fingers to gently spread her fingers out. He folds her last three fingers, tucking them against her palm as he encases his hand with hers.

He guides her hand, with its pointer out, across the night sky when an airplane flies by, its lights twinkling every few seconds, making the view even better than it already is.

When the airplane passes the both of them, way out of their sight, he withdraws both their hands and secures the arm he's using over her chest and spins the love of his life around on her feet. She giggles like a child, throwing her head back on his shoulder as they come to a stop, facing the velvet sky once more with its scintillating stars hanging way up high.

"You've spun me around four times now!" She playfully swats at his chest using the back of her hand as she feels his chest vibrate, the glorious sound of his laugh filling her ears. "I'm dizzy already," she pouts.

"I'm sorry, baby," he giggles before planting a slobbery kiss on her left cheek, causing her to scrunch her nose in a playful manner.

He rests his chin on her shoulder and closes his eyes before humming in pure and blissful content, a smile etching its way on his pink lips as he starts to sway left and right, bringing her along with him. The euphoria is palpable and it is ineffableshe's never felt more content than when she's with him.

This tranquil, tranquil night is putting them both in such a serene state that they've completely forgotten about the hustle and bustle of the city and its hectic lifestyle and just. . . get lost in one another.

She wraps her arms around his that are resting around her waist and allows her fingers to lightly brush against them. He sighs deeply and nuzzles his face into the crook of her neck, his body still pressed up against hers as the pair continues to enjoy and bask in each other's company and warmth on this stress-free night.

They stay out here for the longest time, granting the occasional mild gust of cool wind to kiss their ivory skins as they consumed each other with intimate, lingering and everlasting kisses, their tongues entangled in one another and their hands wrapped around each other in an embrace.

Balcony Kisses ⇾ H .StylesМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя