Chapter 16

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There's knock on my door. I don't say anything and wait for someone to come in. The door is forced open and there Ken stands. He stands blocking the sunlight which makes him look almost angelic.

He grabs me and pulls me in his arms. "I'm so sorry. Please forgive me Abby."

"I'm so glad you're here. Please take me away from here"

He grabs my cheeks and pulls me close and our lips make instant contact. His hands slide down to my waist and I wrap my arms around his neck without lips crashing into each other leaving my mouth with wet kisses. With every kiss my mouth gets wetter and wetter. Soon enough my mouth is filled with what feels like thick water and I can't breathe. I pull away from him and stare at his mouth. He looks at me with a blank expression as blood begins to pour out of his mouth. I frantically touch my lips and chin and examine the crimson red liquid all over my fingers.

I'm out of breath and there's drool covering my face and blanket. It felt so real. I miss him so much. I hate the situation I'm in but I don't regret meeting him.  I miss him sitting next to me in math and throwing things at me or giving me that heart racing smile. I always hated how he distracted me but now I miss it. Or the way he would catch me off guard and stand over me. My back would be against the wall and he would squeeze my waist to make me laugh or squeal. The way he would argue with Ms. Miller about literally anything. He would make the entire class laugh and always look over at me to make sure I'm happy. I would roll my eyes and smile at him.

I gotta get out of here. It's been at least 4 days. I haven't showered. My hair is in desperate need for a brushing. My clothes are dusty and old. I turn over and stretch and see a bagel with 2 apples on a plate. This is only the 1 out of 3 meals I got here and I'm starving. I rush to the food and nearly choke trying to eat is so fast.


I probably shouldn't have eaten so fast. It's been an hour and I feel like shit. I'm nauseous and lightheaded. I get that stomach turning feeling and aim straight for the bucket as vomit spews out of my mouth. I cough and spit trying to catch my breath and prevent myself from throwing up again. I wipe my mouth and lay down on my blanket curled up in a ball. I miss my mom and dad. My sister and even my cat. I miss going to school and seeing my friends. I miss my teachers an even the gross cafeteria food. If I never have met him this wouldn't have happened. I keep thinking he'll come rescue me like a prince and a damsel in distress, but this ain't no fairly-tale so I gotta rescue myself.

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