You Get Kicked Out

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Your Point of View

"Get out!" My best friend said. I currently live with her in an apartment and we have just gotten into a fight. "I swear, I didn't do anything, Delilah! You know I have Liam. I would never trade Liam for anything." She growled, "I saw you guys out at the mall. He is so cheating on me with you!" I shook my head, "I promise. It wasn't what it looked like. Just ask him. He'll tell you." She scoffed and then said, "That's what they all say." I sighed and that's when she slapped me. "Get your belongings and get out. You're not my best friend and we never were." My eyes widened and I quickly gathered my stuff, putting it in a large suitcase. I got all my hygiene products and jewelry, putting those in the suitcase as well. When I went to the living room, she was pacing around the room and then she went to the kitchen. I took that time to leave quickly and quietly. I went down the stairs and walked towards a bench. I didn't have my car at the moment because it was getting fixed. My luck... it starts to downpour. I better call Liam. He will come and get me. "H-hello?" a tired voice said. "L-Liam?" I shivered. "Y/N? What's wrong?" I started crying. "Y/N? Angel?" I sniffled and said, "Delilah kicked me out of our flat and I'm in the pouring rain. I-I hate to bother you, but could you come pick me up?" I heard thumps and then he said, "I'll be right there, baby!" He hung up and I cried. I was out with her boyfriend helping to get an engagement ring. I would never hurt Lilah like that. Instantly, I saw Liam pull up in a black car. He rushed out, grabbed my stuff, and helped me into his car. "Here, I thought you might want a jumper. You can keep it." I smiled, putting it on. Just to give her boyfriend a heads up, I texted him.

 Just to give her boyfriend a heads up, I texted him

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"Why did she kick you out?" Liam asked as he drove. "She found out that I was out with her boyfriend at the mall and assumed that he was cheating on her with me. But, really, I was helping him find an engagement ring." Liam smiled. "You're so nice." I giggled, "Thanks, Li." Suddenly I sneeze very loudly. "Darn it, I caught a cold from being in the rain." I sneezed 2 more times before getting out of the car. Liam helped lug my stuff to his room and said, "Here are some of my clothes to change into." He handed me a pair of his boxers and one of his shirts. I smiled, "Thanks, Li Li and thank you for picking me up." He smiled too, "You're welcome. What kind of boyfriend would I be if I had just left you out in the rain? I'd be a horrible one and I would always do anything for you. I'm happy you called." I giggled at his mini-rant, walking to the bathroom. "I quickly changed, throwing my clothes in the dryer and brushed my teeth. Once I got back to Liam's room, I sneezed a couple more times and grumbled. "Here. Take this, it'll help." He gave me some cough medicine and kiss on the forehead. I took it and flopped on his bed. He got down next to me and put his arm under my head so my head was on his bicep. "Mmm... I love you, Liam." "I love you too, my little angel." 

Next Morning

29 Missed calls from Dee, 16 Unread texts from Dee.

That's what I woke up to. I groaned. Liam was already gone, but I could smell eggs and bacon. I slowly walked to the kitchen to find him shirtless, abs and all. I blushed. "Like what you see, baby?" he smirked. Darn! I was caught. "Uhm, I... uh.." he smiled, "No need to explain. It yours to look at." But then I remembered what I had woken up to. "Liam, I don't know what to do." Tears started falling. "Baby, shh.." He was over to me in a matter of seconds, hugging me and stroking my hair. I showed him my notifications. "I want to reply, but then again, I'm still hurt. She could kick me out, just like that and not care what happened to me. She said we weren't ever best friends. How am I supposed to trust her again? I told her the truth and told her-" I started to sob. "Oh, Liam!" He kept kissing my forehead and whispering sweet things into my ear. "I understand-" Then there was a knock at the door. Liam answered it and huffed. "I think you should leave, Delilah." "I need to see her! Let me in, Liam." "No, I'm sorry. You hurt her and she doesn't want to see you right now. She needs space. I can't believe you could just kick her out like that. It was raining! She got sick and if she hadn't of called me, she probably would have gotten way sicker. You need to learn to trust her. She told you the truth and you refused to believe her. Goodbye." He closed the door, most probably leaving her stunned. "Thank you, Li." I hugged him. I decided to reply, but be nice about it...

 I decided to reply, but be nice about it

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"I'm proud of you, Y/N." I smiled. It may take a little bit, but I'm not just gonna shut her out of my life. I just need to know that she can trust me." "Well, the good thing is, you can live with me!!" I giggled at his silliness. "Yea, I know. You've been wanting this forever." He kissed my forehead and heated our breakfast up. Well, at least I know that Liam will be there for me no matter what.  

Hey guys, sorry for the wait. School has been hectic! Well here's ya go!~Abby

PS: I was so sure I had published this. Guess not... but I'll be publishing this and other parts from my other imagines soon. Sorry for the wait!

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