my baby a big boy "smile"

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               a week later Lisa pov sunday night  in the bed room

tron: "walk in with his book bag ".it school time!!

ro: "look at him like 'go to sleep '" no tron tomorrow

tron: "walk out then come back in and come to my side of the bed " mommy sleepy

me: nah she just cranky "put him on the bed " you ready for day care

tron: yes I go tomorrow?

me: yeah you go in the morning

tron: where you go


me: I go to

ro: sleep

tron :I go sleep "hop down and walk to him and chase room "

ro: "look at me " left -eye

me: chilli?

ro: let's do.something tomorrow

me: like What

ro: something ……fun "roll.on me"

me: "rest my hands on her waist " okay fun "kiss her "

ro: "kiss back"

we all know where that ended *_*

               next morning ro pov

tron: "jump on the bed " come on we go be late

lisa: "groan" ro get your son

me: oh shoot Tron I forgot you have daycare

tron: wake up mom time for daycare

lisa: okay I'm up I'm up "sit up"

me: go put your shoes on tron

tron: "slid off the bed and run in his room  "

lisa :"drift back to sleep "

me: "pluck her ".wake up

lisa: "lick my cheek and walk out the room "

           in the car lisa pov

me: you gonna be a big boy tronster

tron: no

me: no!

tron: I mean yes

ro: "high five him " you gonna be nice

tron: "thinking face " um yes

me: "pull up to the day care  "

ro: "look at me then at Tron the back at me "

me, tron: what

ro: tron don't look shit like me

tron: I look like mom?

me: "get out take Tron out " yeah you look more like me but you got your mom's ……um nose

ro: "laugh ".really

.                        in the school


until next time

how do you think Tron is going to act ??

what's the fun thing Lisa and ro gonna do?

is chase gonna go to school? 

shit I don't knowing just a girl that's 5'0  in school bout to fuck this little girl up that's next to me!

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