The Prologue

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After the collision, there was nothing.

Only utter darkness.

I could hear the sounds of sirens,

and the screams of people.

There was Ian,

I could pick his voice apart from others,

I heard it constantly.

Whispering to me as i drifted to sleep every night.

Singing to me when I was broken, and hurt.

Telling me the three words i had always longed for.

But it wasn't a cheerful voice that I heard now,

It was a terrified one,

mingling with heavy sobs.

I could feel someone shaking my shoulders,

yelling my name.

But the only thing i registered was Ian.

I needed to see him, but there was only darkness.

A pitch black which engulfed me,

swallowing me whole.

I tried to yell his name,

but zero sound emerged from my mouth.

this was it.

I felt a hand wrap around mine, and a figure leaned down,

pressed his lips against my ear.

"I love you, and you matter to me."

It was Ian. 

I tried to struggle,

to respond,

but I couldn't.

I was frozen,


while everything else moved around me.

It was over,

this was over.

And then the noise stopped.

The commotion surrounding me disappeared.

Everything was gone,

and so was I.

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