Idea 3

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Person A has the perfect little girl, adorable, sweet, and wouldn't hurt a fly. She always does what's right, and A loves her with all of her heart.

Person A has been looking after her child since their spouse died, and tries to do the best for the child. So when the child is invited to their first birthday party in kindergarten, Person A is excited.

Everything goes wrong though.

During the middle of the party, while A is talking to the other parents, the child calls out for them, saying their chest hurts. Person. A tells them to stop running and to get a drink, then continues to talk.

Then the child suddenly falls over, their heart stops.

Here's how I imagine it would go.

I looked at the other parent's eyes, happiness bursting from every color as they watched their children run around the yard. I too was very happy. Callie deserves this. I've always kept her too close, afraid of losing her.

"Mommy!" I yanked my head up and searched for her. "Callie?" My eyes finally landed on her. She was clutching her chest, slightly bent over as she shuffled to where I was.

"My chest hurts...." I nodded and smiled. "You probably ran around too much. Take a drink honey. When we get home I'll get you some medicine to help your chest pains okay?"

Callie slowly nodded and headed towards the table.

I sighed slightly and turned back to the lady I met. "So anyway-"

Someone screamed in surprise, echoing through the yard. We all turned towards the sound.

On the ground. Was Callie.

"Callie?!" I screamed and ran to where she was. She wasn't moving...

"Callie?! Callie!! Open your eyes baby open your eyes!" I frantically moved her hair out of her eyes and grabbed my phone.

"Does anyone know cpr?!" I desperately called out to the crowd. Nobody came forth, nobody moved.

I dialed 9-1-1 as fast as I could, barely giving the woman on the other side time to speak before my voice rang out.

"Hello?! Please help me. My daughter Callie just collapsed. S-She's not moving...... I-I don't know I didn't see what happened. We're at 1786th garden street... please hurry!"

My opinion but, the girl should die

Person A is thrown into grief and has to cope with her baby girl dying.

How she does that is up to you

Maybe she opens a foundation dedicated to her lost child

Maybe she adopts to fill the empty space

Or maybe it's about accepting both their spouse and child's death, and letting new people in.

Have fun~

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