Tranquility and Uncertainty

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She looked at him. So young and full of life with a long road ahead of him. His skin like caramel and eyes so captivating that she could lose herself in them. She avoided them now. Their hands close yet not touching as they stood together at the railing. Below them, the ocean churned steadily. Neither angry nor calm. Her fingers twitched with the desire to touch his before they stiffened then curled tightly around the cold metal steel keeping her from falling over. A fear that echoed her current emotions. So contrite that it almost seemed easier to dive head first into the dark abyss that churned beneath their boat. Rather than face what she was actually feeling.

Pulling herself away from the rhythmic clash of waves against the bow, she looked up to where the horizon should be. In the night, it was impossible to tell where the ocean stopped and the sky began. The ebony pool mirrored the stars. She imagined it was the closest thing to knowing what it was like to drift in space. A symbol of peace, yet in the moment it was a unending realm of possibilities. None of which she could touch or explore. It was disheartening.

"I should go inside," she finally spoke up. Breaking the tension-filled silence between them. It had started out a peaceful one but the longer they stood near each other, the more obvious it became. There was something there. Something wanting to be discovered but was too dangerous to even fathom.

"No you shouldn't," he answered. Though he didn't move to look at her.

"It's better if I do." Her voice now soft, no longer a resemblance of the strong woman she portrayed herself to be. She was losing her fight and she needed to get away to build it back up.

"Better for who?" His voice was calm and smooth, like always. There was no judgement, no condemnation, no anger. It was the first thing that had drawn her to him. She loved to listen to him talk.

She hadn't expected his question and because of it, she paused long enough to give him the leeway he needed to shift closer. Her breath hitched and her gaze slid away only to be forced back with the hook of his finger beneath her chin. She didn't have a response as he drew closer and though she felt captivated by those dark eyes, she panicked in search for the difficult answer.

His lips were so close and in anticipation of feeling them press to hers for the first time, she closed her eyes. Their breaths mingled. His, a warm invitation with the promise of a taste she had wanted to sample since they'd first met. But before they touched, she finally found the nerve to whisper.


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⏰ Last updated: Jun 30, 2017 ⏰

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