Dear You.

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I don't know what my made me fall for you so hard. It's so many possible ways I fell for you. You're eyes, lip (lipring), voice, hugs, kisses, you're singing, you're kindness, you're perfection.

I don't know. It might be all, But I know I can't stop thinking of you. Or how the first time.. I let you see the broken side of me. I kind of saw the damaged you that day. And I knew that day.. I wanted to make you happy, See you smile, I wanted to make you feel loved.

You deserve it, You're independent, You're amazing. I wish you were mine. I don't know, I haven't stopped being happier ever since the day you said "hi." Literally, I saw that darling face of yours and then this was how I felt.

"Is it possible a guy could be so perfect by just breathing?"

Yes. The fucking answer is yes my motherfucker.

Please, Jesus.

Then, you're kinky. To be honest you can ask all of my female friends who I tell my sexual frustration. I sweat, I can count how many times I mindfucked you.


Sounds creepy, Sorry.

To be continued.

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