Chapter two

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The next morning Jane stood outside with Julia in the garden as they laughed while planting flowers they got from the market that drops them off everyday when they pass by. Everyone knows how Jane loves working with the nature so they basically give them off as gifts.

"I wonder what a bee think if he sees a flower." Julia giggled ready to pull of a funny deep accent. "Oh my my, what a pretty flower. It turns me on."

Jane laugh with Julia as they both look at the driveway seeing Declan entering it. He stop and climb out feeling a bit awkward.

"I wonder what he wants." Julia said also looking at him.

"Maybe he wants to spend time with you." Jane replied also looking at him.

"Or acting like he cares just to find himself a new wife again." Julia said as Jane immediately looked at her speechlessly.

"Hey." Declan greeted them as he came forward. Jane kind of look deeply touched by this so she simply went on her haunches again. She put the tools into the garden box not paying them any attention.

"Hey." Julia greeted back.

"Can I have a moment with your mother please?" He asked looking down at Jane.

"Of course." She replied pulling in her lips walking into the house. Jane took a deep breath and stood up looking at him waiting for him to talk.

"Are you crying?" He asked noticing her eyes being watery.

"No." She replied shaking her head pulling off a fake giggle. "I'm fine."

"Oh okay. I just wanted to know something. Last night I was with Mike and the waiter claimed to know you when she heard me and Mike talking..." Declan started the conversation a bit curious.

"Don't you have better things to talk about? Like business and other women?" Jane said feeling a little exasperated.

"W..." He started.

"Don't answer that." She interrupted him looking down at her feet then back at him. "Anyway, is there any problem about being sort can I explain? Known to a few people."

"Jane, you're famous." Declan said a little bored and uninterested in this fact.

"Yeah. So what?" She asked looking at the driveway, then back at him.

"Isn't this dangerous? To you and Julia's savety." He wanted to know giving her an add look.

"It's not like I'm giving away our privacy." Jane said being confused at why he cares.

"Well, you're not save. Your windows doesn't have bars and here is no dog to guard the house, neither any man." He said looking around. She notice what he's talking about but ignore it by looking away after scanning the place too. "You can get robbed or hostilised."

"Which is a good thing I'm famous." She said walking out of the garden standing infront of him.

"No one will come by in the middle of the night, will they?" He asked raising an eyebrow.

"Okay. You made a point. And I appreciate it but we're save here. So maybe you can stop acting like you care and actually react towards Julia." She smiled nicely at him. He look deep into her eyes and take a deep breath also possessing a little smile.

"Julia is a bright kid. Also very wise." He said as she fold her arms giving a little giggle.

"She's depressed Declan. You know why." She said giving him a serious look with a smile in it to show him she means no harm.

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