Chapter 1 : Not your typical princess

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Every few hundred years the king and queen for a big old party and their son Ben and their daughter princess Rosella Usually wear something fancy but the princess does not like to wear something fancy or girly.

During the song the girl vanished Ah, we are the daughters of Triton Great father who loves us and named us well Aquata, Andrina, Arista, Atina, Adella, Allana And then there is the youngest in her musical debut Our seventh little sister, we're presenting her to you To sing a song Sebastian wrote, her voice is like a bell She's our sister, Ariel The queen try to come down a little bit because her daughter was missing again that's the tenth time she vanished this week the King was angry for the tenth time. The advisor told him to calm down or The king will have a heart attack Meanwhile just outskirts of the forest a bright young woman wore a light pink blouse with wide arms that turned tight at her wrists: her pale shoulders and collarbones left exposed, over the blouse she wore a deeper shade of purple corset that had two bands going up over her shoulders. A chain in silver hung around her neck with a golden Rose fastened to it. Around her head a purple band was bound some locks of her hair going over it but most was under it being kept from her face by the band. Black Skirt covering her legs, knee high socks; high-heeled boots, in a deep colour held her feet. Your majesty should have been get back to the Palace guys I'm soon about to be Queen and FYI I don't want to listen to any of the rules and what's wrong with listening with the rules There's nothing wrong with it it's just I hate it Princess Josefina Rosalina Alexandra Of France you come back here right now or I will tell your father right now there's no way on Earth I'm going back right now I'm going to be a feisty little warrior so enemies beware I'm so going to tell your father especially when he when he sees your little hair I'm going be a special event that no Queen must before and brushing up and looking down and working on my Roar a girl fighting how ridiculous I'm afraid of anything you're saying like a bunch of times young lady I'm not going to believe it you're afraid of snakes that was just one time you're afraid of mices well that's not just you're afraid of chickens Just scare me And we're not afraid of anything your majesty I'm not going to stop anymore I am No one get in my way Your father will ground you for the rest of your life I'm not going to be there for the rest of my life is that young lady out of her nuts Paris out of Europe Stop child is going crazy I want this child to be normal again I'm not afraid of anything anymore Everybody dance to the left everybody dance to the right there's one way I'm going to go stand in the spotlight Why that little princess Everybody sing to the heavens but no one stand in her way let the child stand in her goal Warrior is going to be my goal A Warrior's going to be my goal A Warrior's going to be my goal . Princess Josefina Rosalina Alexandra France Hello Uncle Naveen young lady I know you're going to be modern but can you please hurry if they find out that you're being modern again they're going to chop up my head don't worry Uncle Naveen never find you out No it again brother This is the 10th time young lady what are you going to learn that modern is the wrong thing to do exactly who would have been seen by those barbarians they're not barbarians dad they're human beings just like us You are confined to your room and you are marrying Prince Alejandro first thing in the morning I hate you father I don't know what to do she's only 19 Honey you're giving her too much of a punishment I don't know Belle do you think I'm making her marrying the Prince of Persia is too much honey I know you're trying to protect your daughter but got to understand that she's only 19 and her 20th birthday is only a month away Yes dear and that's the tenth time you're listening to that awful advisor he's also my friend Belle how else am I going to listen to your wife of course honey pie tomorrow morning I want you to apologize to your daughter. Yes dear

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