Chapter 5

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I swallow, my nerves building themselves back up, and park a few spaces away from where Michael's truck sits. I turn off the car and get out, wringing my hands together as I slowly make my way over to the driver's side door. No muffled voices sound from behind the closed door, and the windows are tinted just enough that I can barely see anything in the darkness of the night. So, I take my chance and knock on the window.

Two barely visible figures pop apart and my mind starts to race faster than it had already been. The driver's door pops open as Michael begins to climb out, and I step back, giving him room to do so. Once I can see him fully, I take note of his ruffled hair, his red and swollen lips. My eyes slide past him to the girl sitting in the passenger seat. I don't recognize her. Smart move, Michael.

"Mads?" The surprise in his voice does nothing to distract me from the look of pure guilt that immediately covers his face. He was caught and he's in trouble. I can tell from the look in his eyes he knows there's no way out of this. "What are you doing?"

My eyes switch between the girl's face and my boyfriend's. I'm completely unsure of what to do, but I am one hundred percent sure I understand the situation that is unfolding in front of me.

"Michael, what are you doing?" My throat burns as I speak, and my heart squeezes tight, making it harder for me to breath. Two betrayals in one night is almost too much to bear.

He tries to offer me a smile, but fails. I can tell that he is beating himself up on the inside. "Mads, it's only a matter of time before I meet my soulmate. I-I can't get attached to anyone," he trails off. I know what he's saying, and I understand what he means.

"But that doesn't give you the right to go and cheat on a girl that you agreed to date until then," I say softly, hurt making itself evident in my voice. For the second time that night, I start to cry, once again betrayed by someone I thought I was close to. "I hope you're happy with the decision you made."

"Madison, please don't say that," he pleads, reaching for me.

"Don't touch me." I take a step back, causing him to flinch.

His arm falls limply back to his side. "I'm sorry, Mady."

"No, Michael. You're not," I murmur, slowly retreating backwards. "You're not sorry at all."

I turn and walk away, back to my car, back to the only thing that is getting me away from all these horrible things. Nothing in my life seems to ever want to go right. Why do the Gods have to be so cruel?

At least Michael knows my true feelings for him. And there's nothing that he will be able to do to make the hurt of what he did wash away. Now I know I won't get any sleep tonight.

Mom and Dad are asleep by the time I get home, so I quietly make my way through the house to my room. When I walk in, Hemi- the only one I can seem to trust anymore- lifts his head and meows softly from where he is comfortably snuggled up on my mountain of pillows. As soon as my eyes land on his tabby fur, my walls crumble.

"Oh, Hemi, what am I going to do?" I cry, tossing down my things and flopping down on the bed. The only response I get from him is another meow. "First Lydia tells Brennan about my clock, which she had no right to do. Then I catch Michael cheating on me." I glance at him, watching as he picks his way across the bed to press against my side. "You seem to be the only one that won't hurt me, bud."

He purrs, stretching his front legs out and kneading my arm with his paws. I shut my eyes, listening to the purr of my only close friend. It sooths me, and the next thing I know, I'm asleep.

What feels like two minutes later, I jump awake. Sitting up, I look around my room, nothing catching my eye. Hemi is still asleep beside me and my bedroom door is closed. What had woken me?

I climb to my feet, a feeling pushing me to look out the window. At first, all I can see is the glare of the moonlight on the window pane. But I squint my eyes and look around carefully. Finally, I see someone standing in the shadow of the house. I watch as they lift an arm and throw something; a small pebble hits the window a second later. Annoyance pricks at the back of my head, so I pull the window open, knock out the screen, and stick my head out.

"What the hell are you doing?" I say, loud enough for them to hear, but soft enough not to wake my parents.

"Mady, I need you to let me in," they say, dropping the remaining pebbles they have in their hand. I recognize the voice and my face turns into a scowl. "Please, I need to talk to you."

"Why didn't you just text me or call me? I mean, I wouldn't have answered anyway, but it would have been better than me shutting you down in person," I snarl and pull my head back inside, starting to shut the window.

"Mady, please, wait!" Michael yells and he steps forward into the moonlight. I can tell that he had been crying. "Please, I really need you right now." His voice breaks and trembles.

I hesitate, the desperation in his voice and what he did to me battling each other to win me over. I had never seen him cry or sound so desolate, but the fact that he cheated on me still hurts. My heart and brain are fighting, my heart pulling me to let Michael inside and comfort him, my brain being sensible and not wanting to let him any closer.

My heart wins.

A groan leaves my mouth and I stick my head back out the window. "Come to the door, you ass."

I half-expect Michael to smirk at my dry comment, or chuckle even, but he only nods and starts making his way around to the front of the house. My heart sinks. Something is very wrong.

At that thought, I rush out of my room, down the stairs, and to the front door, pulling it open to reveal Michael standing on the porch, mid-reach for the doorknob. I can see the tears still making their way down his face. The hurt in his usually warm, brown eyes is enough to catch me off guard.

"Michael..." I trail off, my brows knitting together. "What happened?"

His gaze drops and I can see the pain on his face as he thinks about what he's about to tell me. My heart goes out to him. I don't like this at all. When he finally looks back up, the look on his face makes my heart stop.

"She's dead, Mady."

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