Chapter Three: Getting The News

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Chapter Three: Getting the News

"Ah….” I sighed happily sitting on the warm bench

"Isn't this nice Bonnie" I asked my furry friend, she meows in response

"Yeah that what I thought" I whispered

     I was currently in the woods -it was about six in the morning- sitting on a bench enjoying the beautiful scenery with my pet kitten, Bonnie. This might sound strange but if you just walk outside stand there for a minute and think about how amazing life is.

     Some people would disagree that life isn't amazing and I agree with them, I mean there always one moment in life where you just want to scream or laugh your heart out and moment where you want to hind in a hole and never come out or loving something -someone- so much you can’t let them go

    Those are the moment where people remember the most, so like I said walk outside and allow your mind to compliment how amazing life is.

In other words, think happy thoughts

Sorry for the snoring fest, but I just have to inform you about that. I can be a really boring person.


    A high pitch barks from a destine give me a sudden jolt making me almost, knocking off my cat who was surprise on my lap because of the alert.

   As my heart rate slow down, I realize it was only Clyde my pet dog. He's a hyper genetic Norwich terrier, cute little thing along with my other pet bunny Muffin; she quit and is on a special diet so basically opposite of Clyde

   Also my other pet... Just kidding I only have three pets. But why would Clyde is barking? He only does when he's either really gases or wants to get my attention

   I'm going for the second one and I hope it the second one, because nobody loves a house that smells like dog fart like l do -note the sarcasm-

   Leaving the wooded bench, I walk through the woods with Bonnie close behind. I check if I had any dirt or leaves under my shoes before I enter the back porch, because my mom hates anything dirty in her house.

"Arianna, what are you doing?" a voice said, I nearly got whip slash because of that person but finding out who it is wasn't so great, it happen to be my dad in his green robe and let me tell you that robe did nothing good to his figure

"Getting dirt off my shoes" I said, it wasn't a complete lie because I did had something on my shoes though it wasn't dirt more like... a gross grubby yellowish dirt.... now that I look it, I'm not sure what it is

"Very well then, stop that and go wash your hands" he said waving his hand to the kitchen in disgust

"Yes father" I said, taking off my fade Vans then walking to the kitchen to wash my hands

"When you get home from school, pack up your belonging we are moving" my father advised me

"May I ask why?" I ask, I was very curious on why we are moving. I mean there nothing wrong with it for all I want is to be far away from the horrible place we all call school. I don't hate learning it just the kids at my school bullies me every single day, but I manage to stay alive to relive that next day

"That's none of your concern" he said after a minute passed "Now, go to school" he add existing the room

    I was left alone in the silence with only Bonnie nibbling at her cat food. Shaking my head, I check if all of Clyde, Bonnie and Muffin bowls were filled with their essential. After that I grab my side bag then slipping on tan flats.

Leaving the house, I locked the door behind me

"See you later mom and dad" I muttered under my breath, once I started walking to school

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 25, 2014 ⏰

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