chapter 1:

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"Ma do you think this move is necessary? I honestly don't belong here." I told my mother as she attempted to parallel park into a space infront of our new "home".

"Honestly, I think its better for us. A change in scenery is honestly something we need after these last few years." She said trying to remain optimistic of the situations that occured the last few years.

We initially planned on moving to Brooklyn, New York from Georgia with my dad and my twin sister Evelyn but that dream was cut short when we found out my father was cheating on my mom. They separated and we just moved to another part of Georgia so we wouldn't be around him anymore. Evelyn was close to my father while I clung to my mother's side. Even though my mom wasn't fucking with my dad heavy she still let us visit him. One day, my dad admitted to not wanting to be apart of our lives anymore and the chapter of his life that included my mother, Evelyn and I  was mistake. Evelyn didn't have thick skin and constantly needed approval from my father so when this information was brought to her attention she committed suicide. In her death note she also admitted to aborting her ex boyfriend's child and she was enduring alot of abuse because of it. We didn't even notice because we were all wrapped up in our own problems. Losing Evelyn made me lose myself. I shedded off damn near 20 pounds and my once smooth skin is now tainted with deep cuts. My mother has seeked help and she came to the conclusion that we needed a new change in scenery.

Moving to Brooklyn is my mother's last shot of happiness she says. Even though I feel like I don't belong, I'm going to ride it out for my mother.

She unlocked the front door revealing the small two bedroom apartment.

"Home sweet home." She said clapping her hands and smiling weakly.

"Yeah, its nice." I said nudging her.

"Well the furniture shop should be coming soon so I'ma gonna wipe stuff down I guess." She said putting her purse down on the ground.

"I'm gonna take a walk and get acquainted." I said.

"Alright, make sure you take a key."She replied.

I walked outside and started walking down the street. There were a group of kids in a circle. Me being from Georgia, I assume it's either a fight or they hitting them folks. The closer I got I noticed it was a rap battle. I thought this shit only happens in movies.

"...last time I checked your mom be sucking dick for cigarettes." Said the lightskin boy with the afro causing the crowd to fall out.

That was disrespectful beyond measures. That couldnt have been me. We wouldve got to hooking cause my family period is a touchy subject.

"Listen, listen, listen," He said trying to calm the crowd back down but they were still going wild, "...this nigga got more naps than a preschool."

Was I really witnessing a rap battle. This would be a perfect moment to share with Evelyn if she was still around.

The boy he was battling and his group walked away as the light skin boy and his friends was clowning him.

"The way you looking I'm assuming you want some too." He said looking at me up and down.

"Nah, you good." I replied turning around and attempting to walk away.

"Where you from, yo accent weird." He said hot on my steps.

"Georgia and I talk normal." I replied moving my eyes away from his glare.

"You cute ma, hopefully I see you more often." He said causing me to squint and tilt my head.

"Thanks and maybe you will." I replied mentally rolling my eyes. I hated getting compliments because that's not how I felt about myself.

"Whats your name?" He asked causing me to stop in my tracks again.

"Ebony because I'm brown. Yours?"


"Nice to meet you." I said walking away back towards my house.

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