My Uncontrolled Fate: Chapter 1

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Chapter 1:

Here I am walking towards the conference room where the meeting will be held. The commotion inside was loud enough for me to hear the chatting from 3 feet away. My face held no emotion as I walked in to find all heads turned my way.

"Agent Monroe, you're quite late than usual. Did you sleep in?" My boss asked with amusement in his eyes. I checked my watch and walked to my empty seat that was two seats away from him.

"It's still early Jordan; the meeting doesn't start until another five minutes." I said annoyed and sat down. The conference room was filled with agents. A few of us were high ranked agents, who have cleared many cases and are best at what we do without much mistakes or none at all. I was one of the few who has completed all my cases without failure by doing things my way instead of following some stupid strategy that might get me killed. Jordan wasn't happy with me but over the years, I've proved Jordan wrong by showing him that my instincts and what I do were never wrong. I always have a reason for doing what I do.

"Alright, since we're all here, let's start." Jordan  announced with all signs of amusement replaced by seriousness. He threw me and Dominic a folder each, who I haven't noticed sitting across from me.  

"What is this?" Dominic asked as he took a look at the file that was in the folder. I sat there with an uneasy feeling that I couldn't shake off; it's like something was grabbing me and pulling me towards the folder. The last time I had this feeling was when that incident happened. I've learned to trust my instincts ever since that horrifying night. Since then, my guard was always up and my instincts were my guide to success. They were never wrong. Somehow, this torturous feeling is back.

"This will be the case you and Dehlia are assigned to." At that moment, both mine and Dominic's head snapped to the direction where Jordan was sitting. What kind of sick joke is this?! We barely get along let alone speak a single word to each other. During the three years working here at the agency, I have never ever talked to this man without him ignoring me and giving me the cold shoulder.

Before I could even protest, his next statement made my blood boil and I was ready to have his head snapped and ripped in half. "Can I have a new partner? At least a guy would be able to handle a case like this. I want Hawk to be with me on this case." He said in a snobbish tone that makes me sick to the core.

"What's wrong with Dehlia as your partner? She's one of the best agents we have, isn't that enough?" Jordan asked with a hard stare. Dominic being the persistent person he is, wouldn't give a damn about anyone or anything except himself. A total selfish asshole.

"Pff, she's a woman! A woman can't handle any case like this." He stated with cold eyes that could pierce your soul and tear it apart. The room went silent as they could feel the constant change of atmosphere in the room. I guess everyone could see dark aura coming out of me as they froze upon the sight before them. I must have looked like the devil himself.

"Dominic, stop all this nonsense! This is serious matter, an A-ranked case, a case that is dangerous; that's why I arranged for Dehlia to be in this case as well. This is not the time for some bull shit talk. You alone would probably not make it through this case alive. Plus, I put you both in this case for a reason. Don't question my statement." Jordan said with a hard tone. Dominic's cold eyes have hardened as he just picks up the folder and just continued examining the file. I am not going to tolerate him saying that a woman could not do anything but with Jordan looking at me like that, I couldn't help but glare at the folder instead and just open the file that was provided to me unaware of what was underneath. At the sight of the picture in front of me, I could feel myself pale as I gripped the desk hard to prevent me from going insane and releasing all those boiled up emotions I had since long ago. I was seeing red and every noise around me has been blocked out. I was in my own world. My body was shaking at a level where I just want to grab the first person in sight and just kill him/her. I was lost in my own rage that I didn't hear someone calling my name.

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