Chapter Fifteen

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Here's the thing about Lisa's room; it's always dark except for one lamp and her wall is completely covered in posters of her favorite bands and singers. I would tell you the names of all the artists that covered her walls, but that would take too long.
I finally let go of Millard's hand and he turned invisible again. "Finally!" I yelled. "I'm free!"
Emma burst out laughing.
Lisa threw herself onto the bed and I sat down next to her. "Reid, what's your peculiarity?" I asked.
Reid smiled shyly. "I can get inside your head and read your thoughts. Great for knowing who's a wight." "Hold on," Jacob said tentatively. "You know what I'm thinking right now?" "Let's just say that if I wanted to, I could," Reid replied. "So don't get on my bad side or I'll share all of your secrets with the world through Instagram and Twitter."
Olive looked confused. "What's Twitter?" She asked. "And what is an Instant Gram?" "Instagram," Lisa corrected. "They're social media sites." She pulled out her phone and walked over to Olive. Lisa began to show her Twitter.
So if Reid could read minds, he could know how I feel about him. I felt my face getting hot.
"I find it funny," Hugh said. "That Reid can read minds."
Everyone just stared at him. His face turned red. "No? Okay. Well, I tried..."
"But can he really read minds?" Enoch asked, stepping forwards. "Prove it."
Reid raised an eyebrow. "Your name is Enoch O'Conner, born on March 12, 1886. You were born in London, England. You look to be fourteen, but you're actually one hundred and eighteen. You wound up in Miss Peregrine's loop sometime after you found out you were Peculiar. You can bring people back from the dead for short period of times. You have no romantic history, however you do have-"
"Stop," Enoch said. "That's enough. You could've gotten that from a different source. Do somebody else." Reid laughed and turned to me.
"Vienna Nehmen, born on November 13, 1993. You were born in Vienna, Austria, which is your namesake. When you were five years old, your cousin, Luke Blitz, came to live with you, but he isn't actually your cousin. Your father died when you were three. You met these Peculiars when you moved to Florida a couple days ago. If you touch another Peculiar, their peculiarity won't work on you. If you wanted to, you could steal someone's peculiarity."
He shared none of my romantic history, like I expected him to. When he finished, he grinned at me for a second, and it dawned on me.
He knows I like him.
Blushing, I looked at my feet. "Is that enough proof for you?" I heard Reid ask Enoch, who grumbled a reply.
"Anyways, everyone, my parents are probably done with dinner," Lisa said. "So if anyone's hungry, we can head down."
Claire practically sprinted downstairs. The rest of the Peculiars weren't far behind her. I was about to follow when I heard Reid say, "Vienna, could we talk?"
Lisa winked at me before shutting the door and leaving us in the room alone.
I'd had a crush on Reid ever since I'd met him. He was charming and handsome and kind, so what was not to love?
We sat down on Lisa's bed. "I didn't mean to intrude in your personal business," Reid told me. "But when I was in your head, I noticed that you had feelings for me."
I looked into his hazel eyes. I hoped my face wasn't as red as I thought it was. "Yes. I do have feelings for you, Reid Trahison."
Before I knew what was happening, Reid's lips were on mine. The kiss started out light, but gradually got deeper. I pulled myself onto his lap and shoved my hands into his hair. He locked his hands around my waist and pulled me closer. He tasted like peppermint and I just couldn't seem to get enough.
Finally, we broke apart. I was the one who ended it; this was my first kiss. Yes, I had dated a guy before, but we had been thirteen. It hadn't been anything serious.
"That was my apology, Vienna," Reid whispered. "I don't want to do this, but you're on the losing team."
That's when I heard the first gunshot.

Not sure how I feel about this chapter. Feedback is appreciated!

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