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"Sansa, dear, this is Petyr Baelish. He's an old friend of mine."

Sansa slowly lifted her head, staring into the unfamiliar eyes boring into hers. They were a puddle of green and grey and seemed to be holding secrets behind them. The mysterious man in front of her gave her a sly smile before extending his right hand to her. He had a neatly trimmed beard and wore a black suit with a perfectly sitting tie which made Sansa assume that he was some kind of business man.

"It's lovely to meet you, Sansa." She didn't know why but for some reason the way he spoke her name made her feel uneasy. But she took his hand and shook it non the less. The cold rings on his fingers were quite a contrast to his warm skin. Her quiet voice seemed to be echoing from the walls of the floor. "Hello, Mr Baelish."

"Oh please, Sweetling, call me Petyr." He hadn't let go of her hand and for the briefest moment she could feel his thumb swiping over the back of it. Then his touch was gone. Her mother who was standing beside her didn't notice. She just smiled with the warmth she almost always carried and beckoned Mr Bael- Petyr - in the living room where the rest of the Starks were waiting.

He gave her one last smirk before following her mom and leaving Sansa all alone in the hallway. She took a second to rearrange her pink skirt before joining them again. When she entered the visitor was just shaking hands with Robb, who didn't wear the happiest expression on his face. His brows were furrowed and his mouth was set into a thin line. The man who still wore his smirk didn't notice it or simply didn't care.

Sansa walked further into the room coming to a halt next to her eldest brother. One after another everyone was introduced until only her father was left. He bore the same displeased expression as Robb and unlike the others didn't offer his hand, not even when Petyr himself held his own out. He only regarded him with cold eyes, so not typical for her funny and light-hearted father, and an emotionless "Baelish."

She could see Petyrs still outstretched hand clench slightly before he retreated it and gave her dad a quick nod. "It's so nice to meet you again, Ned." His mocking voice only seemed to further fuel her fathers barely covered anger. His nostrils flared and he raised one hand pointing at Petyr. "It's Mr. Stark to yo-"

"Ned." Her father stopped dead in his tracks at the cutting voice of his wife. Sansa normally only heard her mother use that voice to discipline her children or when she and her husband were having a really bad fight. "I invited Petyr here, so you'll behave like the adult man you actually are."

He gave no remark on that, only one more glare at the man with the grey temples, who was looking like he was having the time of my life, before turning to his kids. "Robb, you can stay here. The rest of you, go upstairs and into your rooms."

Arya clearly disliked that order and was vocal in showing it. "Why do we have to leave and Robb hasn't? That's not fair" Her sister crossed her arms over her chest, trying to look older than she actually was with her 10 years. Her comment was met with a displeased look from both their parents.

Robb on the other hand who was still standing next to Sansa walked over to his other sister and crouched down interrupting his father who was just about to answer her. "We'll just talk about the company for a bit. This won't interest you at all." She gave him a disbelieving stare. "Really?"

Her brother nodded and smiled. "Really. And you can go into my room and play some Xbox if you wan-" He wasn't even finished with his sentence when Arya was already out of the room and at the staircase. Robb rose and yelled after her "But not Grand Theft Auto!" He didn't get an answer except for the sound of feet running up the stairs.

However, Sansa hadn't been able to follow their interaction with her thoughts and eyes completely concentrated on the weird man now standing next to her mother. Partly, because she's never seen a man like him before (her father never invited men from his work to their home but instead would go out and have dinners with them whenever they needed to discuss something concerning the company) but the bigger reason was that he just wouldn't stop staring at her.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 03, 2017 ⏰

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