My Hero.

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I didn't think it was possible to be this sad until now, on this very snowed covered Christmas Eve Day. I had just had what I thought to be the worst day in my life. My boyfriend was cheating on me for a weak and waited to tell me till now and not only was he cheating he was cheating on me with my best friend, my heart isn't broken it's shattered.

I walked in kicking off my (color) boots and I slipped off my (color) puffy jacket letting it fall to the floor without a single care, I stumbled towards my couch letting myself fall onto it by the empty unlit tree. My heart had been stabbed in the back then ripped out by the two I never expected, It felt so dead yet it still remained beating with warm blood flowing in and out of it.

I had no family anymore, it's been two years since my family's death and I've struggled since then with the depression but a few people have kept hanging on, that being my now ex and best friend but the one that I've held onto the most was my biggest hero I've only met him once a year ago at e3 I think.

I suddenly met the floor after a man bumped into me for a moment I sunk into a depression faze with the memory of the car on its side and the flames consuming it slowly "I'm terrible sorry miss! Are you okay?" The voice I knew pulled me from my thoughts I looked up quickly but a light blinded me and I could only see a dark silhouette of the man but I knew his voice very well.

He had a hand extended down to me I could see his warm smile threw the shadows I hesitated before taking it as he pulled me up I sworn my eyes were seeing things but they weren't the man known as markiplier stood before me smiling right there I broke down.

I felt panic thread my thoughts as tears formed in my eyes. My hero stood in front of me and I couldn't stop the damage from showing in a crowded place in front my only hero. I looked down quickly I sniffled "I-I'm okay..." I said in a cracked voice in a way I was telling myself this and not him before I realized I was being pulled by the hand.

When I looked up again he was still there but we were alone in a restroom "did I hurt you miss?" He asked examining me up and down I let out a choked laugh as the tears slid down my face "just show me where it hurts..." He said I placed my hand over my heart and smiled in sad way of saying it's here not anywhere else.

He blinked in surprise "sorry... I just... I hate saying it... I lost my parents a year ago... And I've been fighting depression... But when I saw you I just kind of broke down... My hero..." I whispered at the end he kept blinking at me "I watch your videos them've helped me threw my moments of being an depressed dork..." I told as more tears fell "I'm sorry..." I said whipping the fresh tears with my sleeve. Why wasn't he saying anything, it made me more and more scared.

When his warmed arms were wrapped around my shaking body I tensed in shock "I know how it feels to lose someone you love so much... It's hard I know... But it'll be okay... It's okay." His words made all of my pain swell up I brushed my face into his shirt and I let it all go in this moment I was embarrassed yet comforted.

Minutes felt likes hours before I stopped I literally shoved myself away from him "god... I'm so sorry..." I said not want to at him "don't be... This is what you needed..." He said with a sincere smile "I-I'm... (Name)... But on YouTube I'm (youtube name)..." I said in a shuttered voice "it's nice to meet you and you know who I am right?... I'm mark... It's nice to meet you?..." He said anyway "it's great to meet you!" I said forming a real smile.

We were sitting now "so tell me... How's your life been?... Besides... " he let his voice trail off "well I don't think I'd be alive... Without my friend.. And you of corse..." I said chuckling softly "I was... Right there when it happen.... Ya know..." I told him not wanting to recall it all "I'm sorry... You don't deserve to feel this way..." He said "I had my first birthday without them... My first Christmas without them..." I said I was to thank him for comforting me then I remembered I had left my best friend alone.

"Crap! I gotta go!" I shot up from the seat and darted out the door with the only the half words from mark of "wait what-?!" After all that I never got back to him and I doubted he remembered me.

I begin to cry again when I stopped I decided to watch some of his videos on my iPad. My day got worse when my wifi and internet was out from the snow storm. I found myself on the couch again alone on Christmas Eve... No Christmas Day now it was 1:32 am now.

The tears with bitter now and hot rolling down my reddened face. As I sat there in my confused sobbing I failed to notice the thudding upstairs till the reason of the noise came tumbling down my stairs. Red and drunk.

Threw my blurred tears I saw red and white "where's that hic sad kiddie at?" I knew his voice I knew too well even if it's been awhile. I shot up blinded by tears I stumbled over to him quickly. I tripped without a care but he was softer than the ground but had the lingering smell of alcohol despite that I clung to him like he was the only one who could save me from drowning.

"Oh there you are hic..." He seem to gargle the words out with a sloppy grin I cried into his red and white fluffy Santaplier costume darkening the red with my bitter warm tears "it's okay now kiddie... Hic... Santapliers here now...." He said patting my head I cried and cried till I could no longer shed the tears it was like trying to spray a squirt gun without water.

I had nothing left and everything still hurt but Mark- Santa started to become sober "(name)?" He said "I'm here for you..." He whispered "all I could do is nod with a broken smile. Maybe just maybe this wasn't the worst day or Christmas ever.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 19, 2015 ⏰

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