Chapter 5- First Day

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As soon as Harry and Ginny stepped out of their respective dormitories the following morning, they wrapped themselves in each other's arms and kissed deeply.
"I can't go through another night like that one Harry. It was so hard being away from you." Ginny sighed, resting her head on her fiancés chest.
"It was difficult for me too honey. Don't worry, I have an idea..." he responded. Over breakfast, Harry told Ron, Hermione and Ginny his idea, including his friends after discovering that they also had problems being apart.
"What if we asked Mcgonagall if we can use the Room of Requirement as our bedroom! It's perfect, it would make us exactly what we needed, and we can be together at night." Everybody loved this idea, so when Mcgonagall came down the table to hand out their timetables (which were all identical), Harry mentioned it to her. She glanced at his hand, which was entwined with Ginny's, noting the sparkling engagement ring, glistening in the weak sunlight pouring from the enchanted ceiling.

"I see no problem with the four of you using the Room of Requirement. Now, off to class with you." Their first class was Herbology with the Hufflepuffs, so they headed down across the grounds and found the greenhouse.

                         Timetable for Mr. H. J. Potter
                 Mon- 9AM Herbology w. HufflePuffs. Prof. Longbottom.
                          10AM Potions w. Slytherins. Prof. Slughorn.
                         11AM Transfiguration w. Slyths. Prof. Mcgonagall.
                         12-1PM Lunch.
                         1PM DADA w. Slytherins. Prof. Potter.
                         2PM Charms w. HufflePuffs. Prof. Flitwick.
                         3PM End of Lessons.
              Tues-  9AM History of Magic w. Ravenclaws. Prof. Binns.
                         10AM Charms w. Hufflepuffs. Prof. Flitwick.
                          11AM DADA w. Slytherins. Prof. Potter.
                          12PM-1PM Lunch.
                          1PM Double Potions w. Slytherins. Prof. Slughorn.
                          3PM End of Lessons.
              Wed-  9AM Double History of Magic w. Rclaws. Prof. Binns.
                        11AM Herbology w. HPuffs. Prof. Longbottom.
                        12-1PM Lunch.
                        1PM Double Transfiguration w. Slyths. Prof. Mcgon.
                        3PM End of Lessons.
           Thurs- 9AM Double Charms w. Hpuffs. Prof. Flitwick.
                       11AM Herbology w. HPuffs. Prof. Longbottom.
                       12-1PM Lunch.
                       1PM DADA w. Slytherins. Prof. Potter.
                       2PM Potions w. Slytherins. Prof. Slughorn.
                       3PM End of Lessons.
                Fri- 9AM Transfiguration w. Slyths. Prof. Mcgonagall.
                       10AM Charms w. Hpuffs. Prof. Flitwick.
                       11AM History of Magic w. Rclaws. Prof. Binns.
                      12-1PM Lunch.
                       1PM DADA w. Slyths. Prof. Potter.
                       2PM End of Lessons.

They all knew it was going to be slightly strange to be taught by one of their friends, but they did know that he would be great. They were the first ones there apart from Neville,and exchanged news (Harry and Ginny's engagement, Neville's relationship with Hannah Abbott). Once the rest of the students began arriving, the foursome could no longer be so informal to Neville, they had to treat him as the teacher he was. They were right, Neville was a brilliant teacher.

At 1pm that day, Harry was going to be teaching Defense Against the Dark Arts, he had accepted the role when Mcgonagall offered it to him. Of course, this meant that he and Ginny would need to hide their relationship at least during that class, as dating a student is illegal (in the Wizarding world as well as Muggle). The rest of the time when Harry was a student himself would be fine.

He was nervous about teaching, but with his friends and fiancés support, he did great. At the end of Lessons, they went down to see Hagrid, after a letter he sent them at breakfast that morning, inviting them over. Nobody had told Hagrid about Harry and Ginny's engagement, so they told him themselves. Hagrid was very happy for them and wished them all the best. They then returned to the Gryffindor Common Room and began working on the Homework they had been set. They wanted to keep on top of that as it was NEWT year. Harry reflected on the days lessons, and knew he was in trouble in Potions without the Half Blood Prince's book. Luckily, he had both Hermione and Ginny's help, they were both very smart. In Charms, he was doing well with the more advanced spells, although he did struggle with the Non-Verbal part of the Incantions.

Around 5PM, the four of them went down for dinner. When they had finished, they walked all the way up to the Seventh Floor, stopping at the tapestry of trolls doing ballet. They walked up and down the corridor three times, thinking of what they wanted, the perfect bedroom for the four of them to share. They were all very adept at this ever since the DA.

On their third walk past, the door materialised, and they entered a beautiful, elegant room. There were two extravagant, double, four-poster beds with velvet curtains and oak cabinets beside them. Since the room gave them everything they needed, all their trunks were also already in there.

Both couples tumbled into bed, wrapped in each others arms, and made love long into the night. When they got up the next day, they discovered two swish bathrooms.

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