I'm Use To It (Pt 4)

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Chapter 4:

My father throws me down onto the wooden floor of the hallway, kicking my fragile 14 year old body. He leans down and punches me in the face before my older brother comes out of his room.

“Stop!” He screamed at our father, making him turn around and look at my brother.

“What was that son?!” Dad stands up stumbling a little from being so drunk.

“She isn’t the reason mum die! So dad, please stop beating her! Beat me if you have to but just don’t beat her!” My 17 year old brother yelled at dad, trying to protect me like a good brother.

Dad stumbled over to him and raised his hand and punched my brother full force in the face knocking him to the ground, dad got on top of my brother and started beating him.

“No please stop! Get off him!” I screamed though my tears as I watched my brother get bashed before my eyes.

“Please stop! No!” I woke up screaming and sitting up bursting into tears.

“Andy what’s wrong?!” Avril asked freaking out, just waking up too.

“I think she had another nightmare” Beau questioned worried, sitting up from lying down and pulled me into his arms letting me cry into his chest.

Avril sat beside us and rubbed my arm trying to calm me down as I continued to cry into Beau’s chest.

“It’s ok sweetie, it was just a dream, you are at my house with me and beau, its ok everything is ok” Avril tried to comfort me before hugging me making me the middle of a hug sandwich with her and Beau.

I sniffle and rub my eyes as they pull away from me.

“What was the nightmare about sweetie?” Avril lifts my chin up gently making me look at her.

I pull away and look down “It’s nothing” I mumble as I lie back down.

Beau lies down behind me and Avril lies in front of me and we create a spoon train as we all fall asleep together.

I open my eyes slightly and see the sun shining through the window; almost blinding I close my eyes again. I rub my eyes and open them again to give it another go. I look around and see Avril and Beau either side of me. I carefully get up off the mattress that’s on the floor so I don’t wake them.

I kneel down and pick up my phone from my bag and check it.

‘1 text message’

Huh, wonder who messaged me?

I look at the time and see its 6:47am on Tuesday morning. My screen goes back and I see my reflection.

Oh shit my makeup wore off!

I drop my phone and sneak out of avrils bedroom and go into the bathroom. I quickly take a shower before stepping out and drying myself. I pull my hair back and cover my face and neck in foundation before continuing with my makeup routine, using whatever I can find in the drawers.

I blow dry and straighten my hair. I stand there in my underwear and stare into the mirror looking at my skinny, bruised, and scarred body.

“Andy?” I hear a knock on the door with a voice behind it.

“Um... Yeah? Hang on” I reply as I quickly pull on my black long sleeved shirt and Avrils pj pants that I borrowed.

I swing open the door to see Avril standing there with some seriously bad bed hair. “Hey Ave what’s up?” Using her other – more appropriate – nickname.

“Well i woke up and you weren’t there and i got worried, how come your up so earily?” she asked looking at me worried.

“oh i woke up and couldn’t get back to sleep. I used some of your makeup. Hope you don’t mind”

“course not” She smiles “can you go wake up beau while i get ready?”

I nod and make my way back to Avrils bedroom where Beau was asleep. I go up to him and sit on top of him.

“beaaaauuuuuu!” I whisper yell making him groan and roll over with me still on top.

“Beau, Beau, Beau, Beau” I whisper louder.

“What?!” he groans loudly.

“Time to wake up!” I lean down and gave him a big wet sloppy kiss on the cheek making him push me off of him and onto the mattress.

I laugh at him as he sits up. “Thanks Andy...” he mumbles looking at me annoyed as he wipes his cheek.

I give him a big grin and giggle.

I get up off the mattress and pick out a pair of Avrils jeans. I pick a black pair of skinny’s that have little grey stars in them and I grab the first shirt I found which happened to be a loose purple sweater with a unicorn on it. I shrug and change into them after making beau turn around first.

“Thanks Beau” Avril and I say in unison as we step out of his car at school.

We all walk into school together before going our separate ways to go to out lockers. I walk up to mine and unlock it.

“Hey Andy” I look over to see Annie opening her locker behind me.

“Hi Annie” I smile kindly at her as I put some things in my locker.

“That guy from yesterday... who is he?” she asks curiously.

I stop and look at her. “Honestly... I don’t really know other then the fact that his name is Dean Hicks”

“You two looked so much like a couple its insane, you guys looked so natural together, are you sure you guys aren’t dating?” she questioned me.

I felt no need to lie. Annie wasn’t a gossiping type nor was she friends with people who were. She was what you would call a ‘nerd’

“Thanks I guess” I let out a soft laugh. “I’m one hundred percent positive I’m not dating him”

“He’s so mysterious!” Annie giggles to herself before letting out and awkward faked cough. “Uh... I need to get to class” she closes her locker and hurries off to class.

I watch her run off confused about what just happened before I hear a deep laugh coming from behind me.

(A/N) Hope you liked it! sorry for the wait




Photo of Annie on the right ---->

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