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(I Love them but I hate them with a burning passion jk) (Ohohoh?) (Ohohoho)

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(I Love them but I hate them with a burning passion jk) (Ohohoh?) (Ohohoho)

Bokuto came in ramming through the door like a ram on acid. Sure enough, the sudden slam of the door startled Kuroo so badly he squealed like a little girl as he clutches his chest in some sort of protective embrace.

"BRO... What the hell?!!!" Kuroo yelled, much to Bokuto's dismay. He picked up his fallen Nintendo as he continued to chide his bro, "You can't just slam into my room like tha-".

Bokuto clapped his hand over Kuroo's mouth and put a finger to his own in a shushing motion and rushed to the window to peer outside before fully closing the blinds, leaving both teens in a dim situation (get it? Hahah). Kuroo could only watch in confusion as his bro plopped beside him, letting out a sigh.

"They got me." Bokuto spoke after some time being silent, covering his face with his hands and slowly dragging them down while letting out a groan. "It's over! I can't show my face anymore!"

"Hold on, hold on" Kuroo paused his game before setting the device down. "What's going on? Did.." Kuroo's eyes went wide as he gasped, a hand daintily covering his mouth like a lady,

"Did Akaashi catch you feed macaroni to the cat again?"

"Hey, cat's love milk and milk is calcium, so is cheese! Plus, macaroni is amazing and all beings of earth should eat it, including cats." Bokuto finished proudly but became sullen not too soon, "Anyways, no. Akaashi hid all the macaroni so I could only whip up macaroni when he's around."

Putting a comforting arm over his bro's shoulder, Kuroo could only hear out his Bokuto's problem, "Then, what's the whole deal with you almost destroying my door? Other than my concern about how you broke into my house, it's like someone's out to get your head"

Bokuto glanced at Kuroo and continued to stare at the gray wall full of random posters, "Well, yeah, technically." With a deep breath, he steeled himself towards Kuroo and placed both hands on Kuroo's shoulder, "You're my biggest bro and I know I can always trust you".

An electrifying sense of duty filled Kuroo to the core, he clapped his hand with Bokuto's, "You know you can count on me." He finished solemnly.

Bokuto's eyes began watering at the beauty of Kuroo's broship; he clapped his other hand with Kuroo's with Kuroo doing the same. They gave each other a nod with determined smiles on their faces. "I've never doubted you, bro." Bokuto said proudly, Kuroo giving one of his smirks in return.

"Bro." Kuroo intercepted their moment of bro-ness.

"Yes, bro." Bokuto answered.

"You still haven't told me why you came here" Kuroo finished blandly.

"...Ohhh.." Bokuto dragged the 'h', blanking out for a moment.

As the memory hit him back, Bokuto dropped their hands immediately, "Don't tell Akaashi this, okay?"

Kuroo faked a hurt face and pouted, "Dude, I'm your bro. Of course I won't"

Bokuto's hands started to move animatedly,"Okay, okay. So, You know that restaurant where they had this huge ballpit but it's only for kids? Yeah? Right, so I went in anyways and stole a few balls to keep as my collection. The dudes who worked there was really chill at first but they became unchill when I took some back," Bokuto wheezed and gathered his breath in one huge dramatic gulp " which was really dumb seeing as they had so many balls left, it's ridiculous really! So they sent this skinny dude after me which was why I ran to your place because it was the closest place I could get." He took in a huge breathe before letting it out again. Seemingly out of breathe.

Kuroo could only stare in aghast at his bro. "Bokuto... Did you.."

"I know, I know! I was thinking of giving them back but I figured they'd recognize me so it's kinda-" Bokuto began sweating in anxiousness.

"No, that's not what I meant." Kuroo's line cut over Bokuto's, "I wanted to ask if you had a chance to get some mad game in the ballpit, I've always wanted to try" Kuroo said, his eyes glimmering at the thought of swimming the balls of the ballpit.

Bokuto suddenly had a idea and snapped his finger and pointed at Kuroo, "remember that funland restaurant that had this huge ballpit too?" The other teen nodded, "How bout' we head over there instead! I heard the place is way bigger than the one I went."

"For sure, bro! You and I in the ocean of colored plastic balls, it would be awesome!" Kuroo was getting just as ecxited as Bokuto.

"Then it's there then!" Both of them did their own handshake before shouting and breaking into laughter. Bokuto asking about Kuroo's game afterwards while Kuroo resumed his quests and showed Bokuto what it was about.

And thus their broship blossomed.


Making this is an eyesore (JK LMAO) Rip Aakashi for having an ecstatic owl like Bokuto 

And thus, 


It's 12:40am don't blame my crankiness.

Vote! Favourite! I'd SURELY BE GLAD! Baibaii *whink whonhnk* 

Vote! Favourite! I'd SURELY BE GLAD! Baibaii *whink whonhnk* 

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