part- 26

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Nxt day.. ruhana n Priyank went to school... Nan came to office n fab 5 were already their...  They again started practicing n d day passed in same manner... Two three day passed in practicing nly n due to this fab 5 n nan started talking properly.... Fab 5 strt regretting abt their did.. as aft all dat also nan is helping them out n don't bringing their differences in between.... They all were practicing since mrng so they took break for sometime n fab 4 decided to apologise to nan... They thought of giving a sry song to nan.. n den apologising.. aft some time nan came back to room..
Nan- ok guys nw let's strt practicing again... Today we hv to finish this practicing thing n aft dat we will strt with song...
Cab- nan ma'am.
Nan- yes cab...
Cab- actually we want to say uh something...
Nan- ok den say it...
Cab- will uh plz sit on dat chair.. aft dat we will say it...
Nan- cabir.. Wats d matter...
Cab- plzz nan ma'am...
Nan- ok f9.. n she sit on d chair.. manik was nt present their as nan has given him some work..
Cab- thnks.. all strt guys...
Cab- nan we want to say uh dat we r really very sry.. wat ever we did to uh in past was totally wrong.. n we all apologies for dat... N this is for uh...

Dhr n muk strt playing d guitar n cab started singing

Galti to Galti hai, Galti ka Kya Ab to ho Gai !

Par Kyu Hansi wo tere Chehre se Kho Gai !

Chamkili ankho mein bolo nami si kyu ho gyi

Mana Maine Galti kar di, Kar do maaf ab

Chahe Jaisa bhi Tere Bare mein Sochu har Gaddhi

Tumko pta hai bus 2 pal ki to hai ye zindagi

Ego ke aage kyun halki pade bolo dillagi

Chahe Jaisa bhi hu Lekin, Dil to Saaf Hai !

All sang this line for nan...

Nan was jst sitting n listening to them...
Muk- nan we have nvr shared a good bound.. bt d day uh gave me my abhi n taught me wat is love.. n dat day I still remember how uh broke down to my house jst to fight with dat goons... I called Everyone bt nly uh received my phone n came on correct tym to save me.. I really appreciated dat n we started sharing d good bound by dat ego thing nvr left me... And our bet... Bloody bet... Dat took over us... I'm really sorry nan.. dat I didn't stood up with uh when uh need a friend... I'm sry...
Nw alya came forward - nan I'm also sry.. uh hv Always been with me n helped me out in every situation no matter wat... Whenever I was stuck with something whether it was assignment or my love life uh have always made it easy for me... N still I hurted uh... N betrayed uh.. I forgot everything n I jst remember was dat stupid bet... N d ego which took over me... I'm sry... Plzz forgive us...
NW dhr came forward- nan for uh I was ur frnd n saviour in clg.. uh use to trust me.. they were against uh still uh use to talk to me.. I had always lyked it company... N uh were d one whom I told who my love is... N uh helped me to get her... Today she is my wife bt I lost my friend who use to guide me.. n dat is uh... I too did a big mistake n I'm really sorry for it...
Cab- nan I want to say dat I'm sry... Dat bet was given by me n I'm d real culprit of it... I regretted dat I gave dat bet to manik aft knowing uh.. bt for fab 5 their ego n attitude was everything for them.. so we nvr though of changing dat bet for a good reason... Uh had played a major role in all of us life's bt we left uh jst for our one bet... We nvr though abt Ur good deeds... N we broke uh... Here today if uh want uh can spoil our life's easily BT no uh didn't do dat infact uh r d one who is making us more popular... Dats d good point abt uh.. uh nvr let Ur difference effect d contract... N we respect it... Bt nan we r really very sry for wat ever we hd done to uh... We r sry.. n Everyone stood holding their ears... Nan say something.. ( abhi also heard everything as he same to meet nan.. he has to go back to India so he came to meet her)
Nan- so uh all r done with all dis.. nw can we practice..
All looked at each other...
Cab-nan BT...
Nan- cab can we practice nw... I HV many things to do...
Fab 4 nooded n went to their instruments... N strt practicing... Nan help them with their instruments n d practice was soon over...
Nan- ok guys dat all for today.. uh all HV learned how to play them.. so let's look forward for song frm tomorrow...
Cab- ok ma'am...
Nan- ok den uh all can leave...
Cab- nan can we talk nw...
Nan was looked something in files n she didn't look up n replied
Nan- cab its to late to talk abt this..
Muk- nan BT we nvr got chance to apologize...
Nan- muk a sry n apologies can change wat I have been thought this yrs.. nhi na so let it be.. uh all can leave nw...
Dhr- nan BT...
Nan- I said uh all can leave nw...
All left n aft dat abhi came their..
Abhi- hii nandu...
Nan- hlo abhi how r uh... Tu toh Mr. India ban chuka ho...
Abhi- nhi yrr jst bsy with my works... Uh say hows everything is going on..
Nan- ya everything is good...
Abhi- waise I came here bfr 1 hr when everyone was apologising uh.. so wat uh said...
Nan- nt again abhi..
Abhi- nan some or d other day uh hv to talk abt this... So yy nt today...
Nan- abhi some pains r so bad dat they leave their blueprint behind even they r gone... N a single come back from dat pain whether it is changed or same it can't remove it totally.. so wat must my ans be...
Abhi- no rit... Bt nan when it comes with a change we should try to accept it Kya pata dat is nly d remedy to remove dat blueprint...
Nan- bt abhi it's not dat easy to trust d same person again who is d main reason of Ur pain...
Abhi- i know bt nthg is impossible... Nan they have really changed... N manik he really loves uh... I have always seen in his eyes love for uh... Bt his ego nvr let him accept dat... Bt today his ego has lost his way.. n his new found way is nly uh n ur kid's... He always use to think how to improve his sin... Chaya tum log ussa kinta bhi trouble kr lo this tym he is nt leave uh all... mark my words... Still nan uh can test him.. I will nt come in between.. bt plzz give them a chance... Hope uh understand...
Nan- I will think abt it abhi... Sach bolu toh I too want to give him a chance seeing his changed behaviour.. bt bfr dat he has to stand by my n my son's acceptation.. bcoz ruhi had already accepted him... So let's see how far it will go...
Abhi- ok... I'm always with uh...
Nan- ok let's go to my cabin...
Abhi- no nandu I'm running out of tym I HV to leave... I'm gng back to India n will be back after a month.. so bye TC...
Nan- uh too TC.. n bye...hv a safe journey... N abhi left....
Nan too went to her cabin n aft half n hour someone knock her cabin door...
Nan- yes come in...
N manik malhotra enter totally dressed up in superman costume...
Nan- Wats wrong with uh manik...
Manik- vo actually ma'am ..
Aft lunch manik was sitting in his cab n was working.. when he received a call in landline...
Manik- hlo..
Person- I want uh at home aft completing Ur work...
Manik- Priyank...
Priyank- yes... N mom ko Bina btaya ayna...
Manik- bt she will scold me...
Priyank- she will nt.. when she will ask just say I had called uh..
Manik- ok... I will be their...
Soon he completed his work n left for home.. he enter n saw Priyank sitting in hall nly...
Manik- yes Priyank wat happen...
Priyank- frm lst 5-6 days uh hv done everything watever I said uh... N I'm impressed... Whether it was cleaning my mess to being my driver cook n many more... It was jst d beginning... So NW let's strt frm here... Uh said uh love us rit...
Manik- yes I do...
Priyank- f9 den prove it.. uh r a famous Rockstar nw even in London ... Dat uh know.. ur song hit 200 million in jst a week... Superb... So Mr Rockstar how abt being a super star...
Manik- Matlab...
Priyank- will tell uh... How abt dressing into superman costume n walking to d office don't worry I will tell uh d shortcut... So wat abt dat...
Manik- superman costume n walking on road...
Priyank- Kya hua dar gaye... Maine suna hai parents to apna baccho ka happiness ka liya kch bhi karta hai... So let's c how much uh love us...
Manik- kishna bola Mai dar gaye... If this will tell uh how much I love uh n care abt Ur happiness den I'm ready...
Priyank was shocked at his reaction as he thought he will nt agree for this...
Manik  got ready in dat dress..
Manik- I don't need shortcut I will walk till d office.. bye..
N he left... Priyank kept looking at him..
Ruhi- I told uh Bhai he really love us...
Priyank went to him room.. n manik walked up to office in dat... It took him 1 hr to reach office
Flashback end..
Manik- nthg just Priyank wanted me to see in dis to I got ready in this dress
Nan- manik uh can go n change..
Manik- no I'm f9 n waise bhi office hour is over... I jst came to give uh this files... I'm leaving..
Nan- manik this pa thing has came to far so I'm ending it here nly.. uh will come with Ur team members frm tomorrow...
Manik- r uh sure....
Nan- yes... N ha manik this is d invitation card from Le Viour Academy one of d best school in London.. they have organised a annual function n want uh guys to attain d function n inspire d kids... They have called uh as a guest of a event. A also accept a performance frm uh guys... It is a opportunity grap it..
Manik- we will sure be their ma'am... N he took d invitation card n went frm their....
Nan- shall I look forward with him by forget my past... N giving him another chance... Bt wat if he again repeat d Same... Wat if he again walk away.. I don't know wat to do... I want him to stay back BT Same tym I want him to nvr return n entre our world... I don't know what is Priyank Upto... I must wait for Priyank to accept him first n aft dat i will see wat I want... Till den it's better to go with wat it is gng....
She den checked d files n complete her rest of d work... She call Arya n told him to join frm Tomorrow.. n she went to home...
Nan reach home n looked for Priyank... Ruhi was sitting in hall n watching TV..
Nan- ruhi...
Ruhi- mom n ran up to her n hug her.. uh r back.. I was getting bored...
Nan- Ku wat happen... Where is Priyank...
Ruhi- jab se dad.. left he is upstairs...
Nan- ruhi..
Ruhi- mom dat Ur n him problem... He is my dad so I will call him dad nly...
Nan- ok.. I will look for Priyank n get him down..
Ruhi- ok mom.. bt plzz make it fast..
Nan- coming swthrt...
N she went upstairs directly to Priyank's room... He was in balcony sitting on swing n was in deep thought..
Nan- aarav..
Priyank- mom.. when did uh came..
Nan- jst nw wat r uh thinking...
Priyank- mom he really loves us... N today he proved it...
Nan- so wat r uh thinking nw...
Priyank- mom truly speaking I'm nt loving to trouble him bt i jst want to test him... N he crossed one level today..
Nan- so Wats next...
Priyank- I don't know bt surely it will be coming soon...
Nan- ok bt Priyank think bfr uh act ok Baccha...
Priyank- yes mom..
Nan- nw let's go ruhi is waiting for us...
Priyank- yup.. uh Change n come I will go to her...
N he went frm their... Nan too went to change...
Priyank went n snatch remote from ruhi..
Priyank- uh watched alot of it nw it's my turn...
Ruhi- this is nt fare Bhai... I will nt let uh Change n she stood bfr d TV..
Priyank- ruhi move a side...
Ruhi- no... N a cat fight started...
Nan- uff nt again... Wats d matter..
Ruhi-mom I was watching n he changed it...
Priyank- mom she watched enough of it nw it's my turn....
Ruhi- no
Priyank- yes...
Priyank- yes...
Nan- stop it... Give me remote.. no one will watch... Let's go to garden n sit their...
Ruhi- yes mom.. it been a while we sat in d garden... Let's go today...
Priyank- yup... N trio came to garden n enjoyed their... They even did their dnr their n aft lost of masti off to bed...

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