WDTA - 5

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"You mean after this cover, the both of you are done? As in... it's over?" I knew Jin hyung will be surprised like how he is now once I tell him everything.

The deal between me and Jungkook. I just don't know where else to go except from him who knows everything. I just can't take all this sore in my heart anymore, knowing the fact that the day after tomorrow, everything between me and Jungkook will be over.

"Sort of." I said and bit my lower lip to prevent myself from crying. I just looked at his room's window and watched the cars on the highway move.

"So you mean, by June 1, you'll start ignoring each other? Seriously?"

"As much as I want to be with him in every second of my life, I can't. I just can't. You know that too." I softly said.

"But can't you just let yourself love him and just wait 'til a day comes, and you'll just wake up and realize that you don't feel anything for him anymore? All this stupid avoiding session of you and him, it's just nonsense."

"Rather than waiting for that day you're saying that might come, I'd rather act now while I still can."

"Why don't you just tell him the truth? Why don't you just admit it? Tell him that you love him, even just this once in your life, don't you want to risk for the ones you love?" I was taken aback as to what hyung said.

Even just this once, risk. But I can't.

"And then what? It'll just ruin our friendship."

"Won't it be ruined with what you're about to do? You think you'll be able to save your friendship with him by avoiding him?" Hyung is right. But I'm scared. I'm scared of what may happen once I do that. "I can totally read what's on your mind, Jimin. I know it's hard. Especially of that gender issue. You're scared that he might loathe you. You're scared he might be disgusted on you. But Jimin, if you keep on coming up to conclusions that you aren't even sure of, you'll just lose and lose more confidence to do it."

I looked at hyung and sadly smiled at him. This hyung is always right. He always is. How can I rebut him? How can I contradict all of what he has said when even I myself agree to him?

"I know, Jimin. I know how scary it is. But sometimes in life, you have to face the thing that scares you the most. Come to think of it, what if all this time he feels the same for you? What if he loves you too? And yet you chose to not admit to him what you truly feel for him. Now what does that make the two of you? Idiots." Jin hyung said and threw a pillow at me.

"But lets say for instance that he'll disgust me right after I confess my love for him, that would really hurt me to death. And I'm not tough enough to face that consequence. I'm too soft and too weak to overcome such pain. Really, I'd rather choose to be silent about my feelings for him. Like what they always say, what you don't know won't hurt you. So I'd rather choose not to know the truth. I just don't want to." I was astound when Jin hyung suddenly hugged me tight. I just hugged him back. I really need this right now. I don't know but the moment he hugged me, my tears fell from my eyes.

"Jimin," He called me and slowly tapped my back. "I feel so shaky whenever I see you like this. But whatever I say here to encourage you to just tell him everyhing, the decision will still be yours. I understand your side. I know you just don't want Jungkook to hate you because of what you feel for him. I know how afraid you are for what might happen, I can see it through your eyes. Whatever you'll do, I'll just be by your side. I'm here to support you with whatever you'll do, always remember that. Just make sure that what you're going to do, you won't regret from it. Be wise, Jimin. Be wise."

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