chapter 4

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                  Faith's POV

It's recess time. I love recess I have lots of friends I can play with at that time.

Me and my best friend Emily were playing on the swings. I do not know how to swing so I pushed her instead. She was having fun and so was I.

Sammy joined the fun as he swung with us. He is my friend not my best friend. He is kinda weird he never talks and he always smell like potatoes, But he's funny, nice and always have gummies.


Recess was over and it was snack time. Every morning everyone's parents are supposed to give snacks to the teacher and they will give it to use at snack time.

The teacher calls everyone's name so they can get their snack.
One thousand minutes go by and she never called my name.

Emily and Sammy are enjoying their snack while I'm just there staring at them eat.

Sammy gave me his gummies and I took it. There was only like 5 left. I only ate one until someone took it from me without asking.

I looked over to see who it was and it was Sophie. I never liked her she always take stuff from me.

I felt like crying but daddy told me that crying was for bìtches then he told me it was for babies maybe he meant babies. He told me to hit people that are mean to me.

I think I should hit her.

I got up and grabbed a book from the table and threw it at her head. She fell on the floor right on her head.

Me and my friends laughed at it.

Sophie was crying which made me cry. I hate when people cry it makes me sad.

The teacher pulled me out the class and took me to another teacher's class. That teacher wasn't nice at all he made me stand in the corner.

Every time I listen to daddy I get in trouble. I'm never listen to him again. He is never right.


                   Paul's POV

I arrived at the school. I went straight to the office like before.

"Hey I'm here for Faith Jawder." I said to the only lady in the office. She nodded and picked up the phone calling someone.

She hung up the phone and spoke. "Ok a teacher will be bringing her up here." She said with a blank face.

I sat down on a chair that stood by the door.

A few minutes later Faith entered the room with a sad face on. She had her head down. "Hey what wrong" I asked worried. She didn't answer.

We walked to the car and drove off. We sat in silence for a few minutes.

"You got me in trouble" she said.

"How" I asked confused

"You said to hit people when they are mean or they hit me. That's not nice and I am in trouble now my name is on red." She said pouting.

"Was she or he bullying you?" I questioned.

"I think so"

"Hmmm.... we can talk about this later" I said

"Do you want ice cream" I asked smiling.

"Yay ice cream" she said cheering.

"I'll take that as a yes" I said chuckling a little.

Thanks so much for 96 reads/views. This make me so freaking happy. Just yesterday I had 65 Like what the actual fuck.

Is this really short or just short or is it ok? Remember I will be posting twice once a week the rest of the days I will post once.

Sammy Rew, 4

Emily Garçon, 5

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Emily Garçon, 5

Sophie Johnson, 4

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Sophie Johnson, 4

Lol was it necessary to show the toddlers?

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Lol was it necessary to show the toddlers?

Should I show all the characters that are in the chapters or do you guys wanna use your imagination?



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